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My --- TWO YEAR OLD --- Recharagable Battery Car (RBC) is now WORTHLESS - They are DISPOSABLE junk

Published on 16 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

Four Eyed Pommy Git has a Big Whinge.

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Four Eyed Pommy Git has a Big Whinge.

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Actually when it comes to replacing the battery pack, his car is going to become "a lot more worthless" - with the battery packs being half the price of a full price new car at pre-unsaleable new prices.

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 5 months ago

It's a piece of crap basically lol

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Do you want to know about my technology psychosis...... Before all the power lines and connectors and me forcing the power companies to TEST the power lines to the property - because the management and workers involved, were lazy, lying, buck passing, bludging, cunts -- we used to get regular arcing and shorting in the mains power supply, the power would flicker on and off ..... AND this was around the time that low definition TV was being phased out and ultra awesome TV was being phased in... and a lot of people didn't want to buy a NEW TV when their current TV was perfectly serviceable.... So they got some low tech add on, called a set top box, that would go between the NEW antenna, and the old TV, and instead of 12 TV stations, you could get 300 channels - of which we had 4 or 5 x 5 channels, from different locations... of the same transmitters... by the same TV networks, 150 K SE, 170 K S, 100 K N, etc..... and these channels were spread through out the 300 station capabilities of the set top box, so you had to include ONLY the 15 stations, that were transmitting and excluse the 285 stations that were just dead air channels.... AND this took like an hour every time the power flickekered on and off.... perhaps 2 or 3 times a week... ALL because the cunts in the power company would not check their lines, and the fucktards who made the set top box, didn't include 20c of stand by power from a 9V battery to keep the memory chip storing the channels.... So after the 30th or so power outage and reset of the set top box, I tried to send the box back, but their repairer had gone out of business... AND The High Def TV was good when it worked, but HD TV either works or it does not, where as the old TV - the signal just gradually deteriorated until it was ghosty, with snow and was unwatchable... but it was just 5 or 6 stations, of Free To Air bullshit... AND so I just too a refund on the set top box and then beat it to death with a sledge hammer... and when the lying lazy cunts from the power company turned up to leave their signal tester on over night, when it sould have been on for at least 3 to 5 days to capture a power outage... well they were lazy lying dead shits - too stupid to figure out that I was way smarter than them... The second time, or was it the third or 4th time???? they came back out - I unplugged their shit and plugged my "signal modifier in" and then plugged their tester into that.... AND after replicating a thoroughly good outage for their metering equipment.... They went away and about 4 or 5 days later a big truck came back with a cherry picker on top..... and they tested all the power lines in the area, they found that the OLD transformer up the power pole, was over run and only able to feed about 80% of the needed peak power to all the properties, so that got replaced..... AND when it came to my place, the wires from the pole to my place had loose bolted joints, and they had been arcing on and off for years.... the plates and bolt were burned... And the guy coming down the cherry picker with the parts in his hand said, "I have never seen anything as bad as this before".... Hmmmmmmm So that Rechargable Battery Car - all the fucking bullshit high tech of a shitty set top box - just fuck off.... and Porche and the entire electrical industry scam - from the government (frauds and liars) to the JEWS and their leeching bankers financing all this shit for a profit, and to total failure of it all - more so in hind sight, there was not the GREEN capacity to run what we have.... much less a whole lot more vehicles on top of it... The whole thing was doomed to fail.... So fuck Porch and their bullshit high tech EV car..... The car is full of BUGS, can't be reliably run, charged, maintained, and the battery pack has a finite life span, AND it's a pain to recharge being COST and TIME.... compared to an petrol powered car...... Fuck Them ALL. Bullshit tech and Bullshit Service and Bullshit jew occupied governments....

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AND the retarded fuck holes in the power company - released the results of their first 4 tests or monitoring of the power supply over night ....... BUT they refused to release the one I buggered up for them.... 220V - to - 0V and all inbetween - with a chopped up sine wave ----- Ooooooooooooooooooooo LOL ------------ I hate brain dead low IQ cunts.... People who work in the technical dept who can't replace a light bulb, and the management are ALL fucking retards who fuck around with Power Point Presentations.... And the power has been shutting off 2 or 3 times a week for years and they say, "Oh noes we don't have any records of outages in your area"......... meanwhile all your sensitive gear hooked up to the mains is getting damaged and knocked out by the voltage rises evertime the plates arc out... and the voltage drops to 80% of RMS when the power consumption peaks during a heat wave or when it's really cold - the lights get dim and yellowish... "Oh no - no problems in your area" ----------- Yeah fuck them as in totally.

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