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Myths About Women - MGTOW

Published on 18 Feb 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Anonymous and here's what she has to say: "Hey Sandman, It is adorable that men think that women are always thinking of ways of screwing men. Men love to think that all we think about is cock, men's money and that we spend all of our precious time thinking about men. Myth number 1: The Cock carrousel. All of us women love riding all kinds of cock, love bragging about it, love comparing size of cocks, love hunting for cock, cock, cock and more cock. Guys.... first of all we don't have the energy for all that. "All you guys have to do is sit at a bar" NOPE doesn't work that way. Men just don't approach us like that. The women who post pics online about "sleeping with 200 guys and counting" are sex addicts. They get a high on sleeping with different people. Normal women don't have that kind of libido. We just don't. We women don't keep thinking about men the way you guys think we do. Man meat is the last thing in our mind. Are there women out there who sleep with tons of guys? Yes, addicts, women with self steam issues, women who were abused as a child and immature college girls. 99% of us over the age of 25 with jobs, don't waste our precious time chasing men, we just don't have the time, energy or patience for that kind of cock hunting. Thank you for thinking of us as these insatiable sex goddesses but nah we ain't. Myth number 2: All women want is to date rich guys. Yall... 95% of available men out there looking for a date are NOT rich. None of us are. The majority of us are just middle class. Rich guys date within their circle. We all know that and this "hypergamy" thing occurs BUT only when the woman is extremely hot. 99% of us are average looking women, we know we will never compete with the model type girls. Model type ladies are hard to come by and they already have their share of the rich guys. So for 99% of us regular folk, we date the regular folk men. We aint dating you for your 2014 toyota yall we date you because we actually like you. Myth number 3: All women want is to screw men. Are there cases where women divorce and take the kids and half of the guys stuff? YES. Do we ALL want that to happen and only think of ways of getting married to then divorce and take everything? NO!! We women don't spend our days thinking of ways to rip guys off. When we get married we want a partner. When we are dating we want everything to work out. If we get married we want it to last forever. Things sometimes don't work that way and shit happens. However, not ALL woman want to screw men's lives. Most of the MGTOW audience are guys who experienced the sour side of women, but most of us are not like that. Same thing with us women: not all men are cheaters. Generalizing the outliers gets everyone in trouble. The Gillete commercial a while back, implied that ALL men were bad guys. Well.... not ALL women are bad girls." Well Ms. Anonymous thanks for the donation and sharing your grand old wisdom. But before I share my thought about your thoughts let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:

1. Handsome young fit muscular caucasian man of model appearance workout training in the gym gaining weight

2. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

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totierne 5 years ago

Worrying. She doesn't know if she is the divorce rape type. Makes it tricky (and expensive) to find out!

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