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Nagging Is Abuse - MGTOW

Published on 16 May 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Nagging is abuse

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dan on Patreon. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is read a post I found on the the men's rights subreddit called "Nagging is abuse" so here goes and I quote: "I don’t know why it’s taken me almost 20 years of marriage to come to the realization that nagging is a form of verbal abuse? I guess because it is such an accepted form of behavior for women to control their partners in this way. Men need to be aware of what this controlling behavior really is. I know I was definitely not and it has taken a toll on my mental health over the years. If you’ve got a partner who uses this tactic regularly, I recommend you educate your partner on what they are doing and set boundaries. If that doesn’t work, move on and find your own happiness." unquote. Well Dan thanks for the donation and isn't it hilarious when a man that believe's in the men's rights movement says if you have a partner that nags you you have to educate them about how they are hurting you. They know they are hurting you emotionally. That's the point. Women feel good when their partner feels bad. I strongly believe that women have to
emotionally abuse others for their own mental well being. That means in most cases the negative emotions need to be transferred to a man. Or she might go to work and find a subordinate fat girl to dump her toxicity onto. Both at work with her husband and maybe children and work with other women or men that are lower down it provides an emotional release valve for the proud owner of a vulva that drives a volvo. But when women are equally matched and try to dump their negative emotions and nag at each other that you get female conflict. That's why lesbians and women that live together are more likely to get violent towards each other. They are both trying to dump their negative nag emotions onto each other and it creates a feedback look. I think someone needs to create a law that governs emotional energy and that it cannot be created or destroyed. That it can just be transferred from one person to another. usually the nag energy if it falls onto a man it eats away at him slowly destroying his body and spirit. But nagging is a socially acceptable form of emotional abuse because as you can from this second picture in this video that I found on a stock photography page women justify it by saying that they nag us because they are trying to help us. That would be the equivalent of a man in the 1950s beating his wife and telling her he's doing it because he loves her and is just doing it for her own good. Women telling us they are nagging us is for our own good is them projecting a false reason onto their bad behavior so we can't criticize them. If you're like the poor guy that realized that nagging is abuse after twenty years and you confront her with her behavior she'll just gas light you and say she's not nagging you to abuse you. She's nagging you to help you. She's the abuser justifying her bad behavior. But what she doesn't want you to know is that women's
weakness is they have to get those toxic emotions out of themselves or in the past they would have been sent to the psych ward. Today they have medications to prevent that. In the past spinsters really did become crazy cat ladies. Today they have crazy cat lady cat nip to keep themselves somewhat functional. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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ShadowMonk 3 years ago

Well shit...Like a certain somebody with Munchausen’s by proxy and queen bee syndrome who did not let me drop out of high school and ruined my early to late childhood, Forced me to be a:

-Guinea pig to childhood eugenics and participant to social programs with abusive psychologist and para-pros.

-Limited my independence or abilities to escape the situations:

-Did typical abusive shit when I failed to follow her playtime curfew or defied her:

So ever since I’m 20: She pretty much accused me of shit did all sorts of typical manipulation when she decided to give up on me and decides to make me her slave like with the threat of cutting me off from my fucking needs including financial or personal needs and independent free will and as a special cherry-picked top of abuse and control she uses the threat of making me the ward of the state as blackmail.. Or used the police if I stood up:

I didn’t have the mental stamina to keep making content because of the stupid fucking queen bitchy bee.

Which this all started when I thought that I could care for my family and she made everyone else in my family take the mark of the beast and now I am dealing with a demonic hunting associated with this fucking Covid vaccine technologies there’s scary reality is she’s lost her soul to the great reset and I’m thus helpless to stuffer the consequence of not walking away from the system because of her stupid wants.

So fuck Mother’s Day and fuck botch bee which can she force me to kiss her stinger all she wants but I’ll leave her ass behind so may she decide to turn into a walking Ouija board thanks to her fantasy of obedience Biden and gates of hell bill and commie swallua my dear harius up my deplorable A$$ cause I’m not having it anymore, “Fuck Em all to boxed whine and Cat-Land.

Space Ghost Is On

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csehszlovakze 3 years ago

okay, Canuckistan deserves a nuke now. https://communities.win/c/MGTO....W/p/15HvBmUkT7/in-to

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

An interesting historical record from the earlier times of Moslem Caliphate. When woman has much less rights.

When Umar’s wife raised her voice

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

I think the amount of stress a woman gives you an amount of money she saves you is a good indicator of her value to you.
Just try to Imagine a woman actually reducing your stress and saving you money ... sounds like heaven to me. (she can even be ugly) however I doubt it's possible. Unless you're a millionaire.

Pimping is a full-time job by the way, very stressful
a lot of lying so on and so forth. So the amount of money she makes you and the stress levels even out.

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zdoctor 3 years ago

i have been single now for over 20 yrs and i hate to say it but in todays market its the only way to go to protect yourself from false allegations, alimony as well as child support. whaman are NOT worth the time or effort to wind up being nagged to death. i have forgone dealing with any woman on almost all levels. i wont date....buy dinner...pay for clothes.....buy flowers...etc. WITH SO MANY WHAMAN ON ONLYWHORES THE POOL IS COMPLETELY TOXIC. i have become isolated from whaman due to whamans behaviours. overall id rather eat a box of double sided razor blades with a box of ex-lax then be with a whaman. i will hurt less with ex-lax and razors option. learning to live for yourself is my best suggestion and working on your own goals is key. REMEMBER GENTELMAN.!!!!!!!!...........BEING WITH A WHAMAN IS CO DEPENDANT ON AVERAGE. DROP THE MIC AND WALK OFF THE STAGE.....LIVE A LIFE THATS FREE AND WALK AWAY FROM THE PLANTATION OF SERVITUDE.

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