Naomi Wolf Celebrated Author of "The End of America"
Published on 22 Jul 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Fascinating interview with renowned author Naomi Wolf, perhaps best known for her early 1990s feminist classic "The Beauty Myth", considered by many to be one of the most important works of the 20th century.
Wolf discusses her new book "The End of America", already on the New York Times bestseller list. The book identifies ten classic steps common to all dictatorships -- including those of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin. Alarmingly, Wolf makes the case that each of these ten steps is occurring in post 9/11 America today. The book is a call to action for young and concerned Americans and this interview intimately frames this important discussion.
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"founding mothers" what the fuck????
GTFO bitch... distraction, using some truth with mostly lies to get people to accept something that is false as being true...
she is wrong about the torturing bit, the FIRST thing that is done is to take away rights and their ability to defend themselves, THEN they start with the torture etc.....
feminazi.... holohoax survivors, right....
germany was never really a democracy, not that it matters because democracy is one step down from total despotism/totalitarian/dictator/terrorist nonsense...
also, the stupid bent does not realize that the founders created a constitutional republic and NOT a democracy...