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Narcissism 101: Mirroring/Projecting (RED PILL)

Published on 09 Apr 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣In the beginning of a relationship with a narcissist the narc will
"mirror' YOUR OWN interests, hobbies & passions back at you, as if
reflecting you in a mirror. You don't fall in love with the narcissist
but the reflection they are giving of YOURSELF. This is called mirroring
and is the narc's tactic at the beginning of a relationship.

View "mirroring" as just being a chameleon. Chameleons blend in with
their environment by taking on the characteristics of the environment
they are in at that particular time.

The narc will continue to mirror and be fake because the narcissist have
no genuine personality of their own. There is not a genuine bone in the
narcissist's body. Narcs are not people, narcs are demons.

At the end of a relationship with a narcissist the narc will "project"
THEIR OWN dysfunctions, problems, worthlessness and sins on you!

At the end of a narcissistic relationship everything the narc falsely
accuses you of THEY are the guilty in those areas. What is in them they
then "project" onto you. Like an old movie projector and screen - You
are the screen, the narc is the projector.

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