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National Socialism

Published on 05 Feb 2022 / In News & Politics

I explain a third political system which undoubtedly benefits men more than Capitalism or Communism/Democratic Socialism.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 years ago

In Florida they let in,, aided? immigration and then gave them FREE MONEY to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars EACH as mortgage refi's on the appreciatipn.. i.e subsidizing foreign competition.. right here in America.. . and if people knew what our govt has done around the world to assist wallstreet in taking our jobs there you would know our govt works for wallstreet against the American people.. to turn us into 3rd world slaves.. eeyep, london bankers > catholic jesuits > freemasons > us fake ass govt. . the bankers, catholics, masons , mafia , jews, , , all one and the same bringing in drugs and now caravans of slaves from the catholic areas south of the border run by arabic / white mixed people from the mediterranean area..

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GhostxMGTOW 3 years ago

In other words, they're a bunch of Communists. I wish decent people (the small minority) could overthrow the U.S. government, kick them out of the United States permanently, and install a fine government.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 years ago

@KCxSunbeam: aka globalists..

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GhostxMGTOW 3 years ago

@jim bennett: Yes, that too.

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