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Published on 04 Feb 2025 / In People & Blogs

Know More News with Adam Green
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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 month ago

Be not fooled. This Adam Green cunt is a kike.

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A like? Im guessing you meant a KIKE? First I have heard of that until proven otherwise and dont care all I care about is the Truth Whole Truth and Only the Truth, he proved that TradConKucks will attack him for exposing Jews with lie about JEWSUS and little to no evidence of ADAM OR EVE OR EVEN LILLITH and the Bible is a lie all made up by JEWS Going over the evidence myself I agree with the Facts he presented which some redpillers and mgtow are avoiding thats upto them whether they know or not however those that do know and avoid or deny are the same that wont call out ZION DON THE TRAITOR aka ISRAEL JEW FAGGOTT COCKSUCKER like me, you, adam and others have and they will attack him for exposing the truth and they claim they are redpill and based and all about the Truth more like in denial over their feelings Fuck their feelings, those are the Based Facts yet they ignore it, apart from myself, you, others and Adam have been calling out the lies and TRUMP THE TRAITOR THE JEW FAGGOTT COCKSUCKER while they give a free pass to FAGGOTT POOP who did cucking made easy got scammed and now is getting in bed with ROMA ARMY AND PEARL VIRUS TO "SAVE MORE MENS LIVES AND HELP SPREAD THE MESSAGE, ONLY THING HE IS SPREADING IS HIS TATTOOED CUNT FOR SHEKELS TO HIS OVERLORDS WHO STOLE HIS OWN SHITE FROM HIM" if you have anything on Adam do share yet also let POOP know first he aint got no balls as a MRA and now a tattooed CUNT and a traitor to all TRUE MEN then I will know you are the TRUEST MOST BASEST OF THEM ALL \G/

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 month ago

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: Sorry. Auto-correct. Kike.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 month ago

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: I recommend you look into Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, and Martin Luther. It's a rabbit hole you won't be able to get out, you'll only be able to dig deeper and deeper.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 month ago

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: Is he really aligning himself with those coal burners? I haven't watched anything from him because I can't stand his closet homo pet, I'm not up to date. If what you're telling me is true, I only regret supporting him financially in the past. Goes to show that what they, the mgtow/red pill gurus, say is in fact true. Give them enough time, and they'll reveal themselves. There's a point when their noses will follow the money. "Poop" as you call him, is no different. If the purpose is "to save men's lives", why would he moan so much about nigga Eddie not paying him? It's not about the money, is about saving lives. Or is it?

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 month ago

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: Let me put this question to you. What's the reason to attach so viciously Christianity, at the same time Judaism is highly protected, Islamism is also protected, Buddhism no one cares about, Hinduism no one cares about... Why is there a momentum to destroy Christianity and OUR people? To whom is Christianity a threat so big that it needs to be exterminated?

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