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Neil Oliver- 'The Government practice of lying about why they’re doing something is forever exposed'

Published on 04 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

Neil Oliver hit's the nail right on the head squarely, We won't get fooled again. The maingy Cat is long out of the bag and the Cat is recovering. vI've been working on NOT using Corporates for shopping or Assistance because they only rewally want to con you out of your fiat currency. I've even swapped or bartered items before now instead of using Fiat currency be that with items of skills I casn use to get stuff and I have many skills especially for fixing things. i now shop at local farm outlets for my food and living alone the extra cosyt is bnot really noticed, already I'm saving £14 a weeki on the weekly shop and I feel better and healthier for it as well. all this latest SCAM about Co2 and save the planet, it's a governemnt money spinning Con. so rather than save the planet I go out on either of my mnotorcycles to get the most basic of things, I'm paying for that privilege or so I'm told as they try to guilt trip me into complying! NEVER! The Earthg can take care of itself testiment to this is we are ALL still here today. Now I'm eating properly and have few if any vices I've also abandoned the Drug pushing NHS by slowly weening myself of the poison's that quite frankly make me ill? As I started to limit the dosage and slowly withdraw it from my system my Health has become far better, I'm more lively and bright minded instead of being in some hellish haze! I've stopped voting, why bother is their is no alternative in reality? As Deluded moronic councilors preach the same CRAP in the local election's like they are doing something different, It's all a load of WEF crap they beat theirt drum to. wgat they do NOT realise is one day they will be come for by the entity they supported. Same goes for the Police. Here is a perfect example of moron's who deliberately arew building their families own peison's by following Government Drivel. One day to will have their families and themselves culled off in some way, maybe they already are? As I cantt remember the last time I saw a Police Car or a Copper on foot either. there is an old saying that say's something like - " A population or thge people of a country are only as good or lawfull as those that govern them". currently we are in free fall we are NOT governed which is no bad thing I wouldn't follow their mandates any more than I did in Covid and their stupid rules I didn't fiollow then and wont be following again in any form! Peace.

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