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Neil Oliver and Dan Wootton discuss fighting back against government tyranny

Published on 07 Dec 2021 / In Film & Animation

I've taken the same advise as Neil and I sggest you do? Don't comply don't get drawn into government lies and BULLSHIT. We are in many countries now approaching thr 3.5% mark, which is a golden number that predict's once reached the Oppressor WILL and DOES lose control over us? Non Compliance isn't to painful either? simply don't buy into their CRAP, be that ideology or corporate Product. Stop buying corporate branded crap, stop watching tv and especially Ad's. Stop complying with someone tell YOU what you can and cannot do with YOUR body, however they treat you. They are NOT there to advance you just to RETARD you for their sick corrupt ideology. hit them with Rebellion where it hurts ? the wallet and balance sheet. Once the money is effected the business WILL side with the people. when that profit line drop's they will side with the peiople against government. free yourself bny spending every spare penny on getting out of DEBT. Without Debt you are no longer Enslaved or beholden to anyone. Yes their wioll be collateral damage, victims, BUT it will not be lives just L:ivelyhoods and Job's, far less ppainful or traumatic than million's dying in the Trenches or their Bed's because of a jab? FUCKING WAKE UP.

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