Neil Oliver- British citizens in Scotland deserve to not be treated as Queen Nicola’s subjects
Published on 13 Feb 2022 / In
Film & Animation
More words and questions and wisdom from one of the greatest Scotsmen since? Well I don't know when!
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People before Money - Realize that then things WILL improve. We know that works from day's pre Tech when people had meager jobs long gone but a paid job all the same? Jobs like a Bus Conductor, A Railway Guard, street cleaner's, and so on? OK Crappy job's by todays standard but the people made it work?
What is ending the PlanDemic is not Vaccines or Time isolated from each other, but the usual Elephant in the room, MONEY or loss or lack of it. Putting all the rotten egg's in one basket to big up Big Pharma as a quick money making fix has FAILED badly. The Damage is done. They will expect US the people to pick up the Bill, but many of us have now turned our backs on society or what is left of it? We don't buy expensive Corporate CRAP, be that an Idea or a cheap overpriced product?
I personally over many years but in particular the last two years got a respite to rething everything about my life/ I Discovered that "LESS is MORE" and for me anyways that is how the rest of my stress free life will be lived. Peace Gentlemen.
The LAST Scotish Queen ended up with her head on a pike. Mary by name Mary by nature! If you don't know what a MARY" is/ It is old Liverpool Docker speak (or should that be SPEKE)! for a woman's genitalia "A CUNT" as in The VIRGIN Mary (Vagina).
I'm firstly ENGLISH, I was born in ENGLAND, British is secondry when it comes to international identity.