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Neil Oliver: Buckle up - more psyops are coming your way!

Published on 26 Jun 2024 / In News & Politics

‘…waking up to the threat put me on the staircase of disbelief, one step at a time…’

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mrghoster 2 days ago

I alway question stuff from a very young age often finding myself standing facing the wall outside of the Classroom. Then 1992 and the weird Dreams started telling me something was very Wrong, then shortly after I remeber seeing David Icke on Wogan being laughed at for stating some of the things I had also noticed in my weirs dreams? !996 was the year my head exploded with theories and knowledge that has bought me to where I exist now, I wont say a word about what happened but other's like myself probably know? One thing I do know is that YOU cant unknow what YOU now know!

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mrghoster 2 days ago

For ME that RAT was very SMELLY before the first week of Covid had even finished! lol!

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mrghoster 2 days ago

My REBORN intuition was well enough and strong enough by COVID I knew it had a bad BULLSHIT smell about it, it was like watching a moving and spotting every bit of CGI, it wasn't fooling ME1 and it didn't. so I went into action, refusing to wear a mask like a slave of dog being muzzled, I made myself a Lanyard with a BARCODE ans NHS sticker on it. I laminated it and it lookd good. And when I went out I wore this and it was like a back stage pass at a rock concert, I just showed it to the security guard on a store and in i went because I knew THEY including the government had no way in LAW of stopping me, they relied soley on Brainwashing the masses and security plebs on shop's and other's wanting to ne little NAZI's couldn't do a thing about it. Covid made me realize my life had been in "Lockdown" for decades when the systen - (sorry SYSTEM)! threw me out of the BOX. So Lock Down to me was a nothing burger, life as normal you could say, BUT what lock down did for me was to hone what I already was doing and what I knew so much now that I actually save a fortune on stuff, by using implementations "I" made in lock down. Looking back at it with an intelligent stable mindset the Governemty rather shot themselves in the foot by being ARROGANT enought to think they would FOOL everone, but they didn't. The result is I still happily live outside of that box they tossed me out of, and I look in from time to time with immunity. I know how it works and their STUPIDITY has lead me to my conclusion's. THEY actually removed me from their grasp! lol!

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mrghoster 2 days ago

The thing is I no longer fear DEATH, so I don't fear anything. I have a few hopefully good years left to me but when I go, I go. If there is nothing? What the shit will that matter to me? If there is a NEW adventure to live? then great. But generally speaking this dimension, world, what ever you weant to call it is as far as I'm concerned totally finished. And I do OK by it as well! lol!

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mrghoster 2 days ago

I think we were all believers in the state once when there was the illusion of something that appeared to actually be for Us? But now especially after the lie that was Covid, I do not believe a WORD, not one that these monster's vomit out of their mouth's. I have honed and tune back what I thought I had lost, namely my INTUITION, or my "BULLSHITOMETER" as I call it. I can now pretty much SMELL the BULLSHIT these day's and I don't get fooled by it anymore.

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