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Neil Oliver- We haven’t even got past Halloween but it’s already panto season at COP26

Published on 01 Nov 2021 / In Film & Animation

Neil Oliver of GB News expresses yet more of his valid concern's. Personally I'm stocking up for a Lock Down winter in the UK. went out shopping this morning and bought essentails so I can lock myself away with plenty of hobbies and projects to see me through Christmas, which by the way, I gave up celebrating years ago. One it's because it is a sess pit of over endulgense and aploy for the 1%'s to rip us of. also why keep celebrating something after it's obvious God has either let us all down even his own sheep, or God doesn't exist. no action or reassurance has come about from the so called almighty? No little hit, even to those who need to change their way's! lol! Any promise even if it's all bullshit NEED's to be occasionally spoken or reminded, but no not God!

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