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Neil Oliver- World leaders are getting increasingly desperate over freedom convoy protests

Published on 18 Feb 2022 / In Film & Animation

As Leaders try to form a Them and Us two teaqr society, I don't think they realize they are in the minority. and as history has shown time and time again Tyranny never last long. The can have all the police, tranks soldiers and guns they like, bur at the end of the day it is the Human spirit and need for survival they will beat them hands down every time. Remember that this is all currently instigated by a bunck of Global BULLIES, and we know what happens to BULLIES don't we? When their they have had their fling the become SHUNNEDD Biully No Mates that no one remembers or wants to know. I know this from School. I was bullied but today the bullies are the one's that hide away and are lonwely, have no friends, because everyone they communicated with they treated like shit, so no one wants to know them? Let's also NOT forget, that most of theaes failed LEADER's are "PSYCHOPATH'S" They think "Linearly", put an obstruction in their way then they just cant cope with it because they naturally expect everything to go theioir way. when it doesn't they will Freezer on the spot. That is the most dangerous time with a Psycjopath remember that?

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GenerationLESS 3 years ago

Even if Tru-dope admits he's wrong, his public standing is tarnished forever. He's finished.

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GenerationLESS 3 years ago

"It's not about health. It's about saving face." EXACTLY!

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