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Neo Traditionalism - Mgtow

Published on 10 Apr 2022 / In People & Blogs

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

Boko Haram is doing just fine aren't they?
Fuck the Christcuck jesus freaks,when most people claim to be nationalist or conservative or traditional whatever......they just wanna R'eee about Jesus.
They want to conserve their middle eastern culture and religion call Christianity,they don't seem to care about anything else.
They just think "If everybody worshiped Jesus everything would be good again" and that's pretty much it. That's all they are it's all they have.
They're just religious nutjobs who are obsessed with their cult. They don't the first thing about what actually created the old world they miss so much. I'll give you a hint,it wasn't Jesus

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

If someone wants to know how I feel about those things,or how I feel about my own white race or nationalism ethnostates etc. watch my video the great compromise. I'm not genocidal I just don't want genocide committed against me. Those fuckin nazi's actually hate me dispite the fact that I share some of the same end goals as they do. Made a video about that too. In the end they don't care about the people they care about,they care about genocide and Jesus and sterilizing all white people they don't like and that's pretty much it. Just jesus hitler and a constant assault upon the very white people they claim to represent

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BIGLOAD 3 years ago

Stack your Green, Live your life . . . and Fuck these Yeast Factories.

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