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Neurotic Women - MGTOW

Published on 11 Jul 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, sorry for the late reply. I work in the health care field and it's been crazy. I put it in the comment field but looks like it didn't show up. My suggested topic was the rise in antibiotic resistance. It's said the two main reasons are feeding antibiotics to animals and "parents" pressuring doctors to prescribe antibiotics for their children when they're not needed. By "parents" I wonder if the real culprit is neurotic mothers. Or a topic of your own choosing. Keep up the good work. Cheers!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I guess you want me to discuss overbearing mothers that are too responsible and give their kids too many of those banana flavored antibiotics when they are younger and then those same kids grow up to have all sorts of antibiotic related problems that go beyond just causing antibiotic resistance. I of course probably have such ailments as both my naturopath and functional medicine doctors think my problems were related to the same thing. I think it's a combination of antibiotics use at a young age, recently too as well as stress that have wrecked my health. In certain circumstances like Covid where presidents and prime ministers in countries like Iceland, New Zealand and Taiwan are women they have own group preference so that serves them well because protecting other women is like protecting themselves. But when it comes to taking too many medications for things like mild colds, infections and mental health issues they tend to overdo it from my experience. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. Mr. Anonymous Antibiotic resistance isn't the only problem they cause. My skin problems started in the four grade but there was no pain just mildly thicker skin around my finger nails that peeled off easily and I didn't think too much about it. Yes there were antibiotics at that time once or twice a year. I was also dealing with the stress associated with bullying that began at that point in my life. So antibiotics killing off the good bacteria in my body along with stress elevating my cortisol and lowering my immune system started my journey with yeast overgrowths that a year or two ago were so bad that I was contemplating suicide. When people tell you there are worse things in life than death you better believe it. Until you've been there you won't know what they really mean. About a month and a half to two months ago I got off of about 5 months of low dose antibiotics that messed up digestive system. That's getting back to normal and I know it's going to sound disgusting but haven't had a normal bowel movement in a couple of months. It looks more like pho without the noodles. How's that for toilet humor. As for antibiotics the combination of using them to kill of your beneficial bacteria and then cortisol elevating your blood sugar feeding the bad yeasts that are naturally there in proper amounts can become a disaster as I've learned. The problem is I found out that I was a junkie for the dopamine and adrenaline I would get from watching thought provoking content online.

9 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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tekrat 4 years ago

Sandman do Tai chi to lower stress.

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tekrat 4 years ago

Eat garlic for bacteria problems and ginger for digestion problems

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DariaMorgendoffer 4 years ago

Barley for chickens, helps with immune system, in the natural way. YW

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Mikemay777 4 years ago

If you want to be “regular” get maca root . Super good for you. Taste like malt but bland without sugar. Mix a heaping tablespoon in a tall glass of water. Do this every day and you WILL be regular every day. 24 hours after you drank it, there will be a normal response. Normal!!

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Gazda 4 years ago

After years researching regarding health and nutrition check https://www.youtube.com/c/Nutr....itionfactsOrgMD/vide and https://www.youtube.com/user/johnbchiro/videos

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