Nevada Rangers RAM through Climate Protest Blockade after group shut down BURNING MAN
Published on 28 Aug 2023 / In
Film & Animation
A gaggle of brainwashed “climate protesters” funded no doubt by George Soros and his ilk,
Too bad that more folks won't protest the coming totalitarian "COVID" lockdowns.
At this point, This is how these situations must be handled.
Lockdown Protests All Around the World
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'pwease'- we come-in-peace.
I really REALLY enjoyed that!
They should have been fatally shot first, and then been told to get down on the ground,
And then pepper sprayed and tazered.....
There is another video where you can see the traffic and it's backed up for fucking miles... like literally 5 miles....
It's like right at the very start in this video - bumper to bumper for like 5 miles.
Because of these retarded cunts.
"But we were doing nothing!" "We were just standing here!"
The fans of Charles Manson proclaim.
Pow Pow Pow Pow - just shoot the fucking lot of them.
Or better yet, have them hang out the window of the cop car, and let everyone in that cue, punch them in the head as they drive past slowly..... Fuck them.
I can guarantee that most of the drivers and passengers would love to take a swing at all of them....
It's natural justice.