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Never Feel Sorry for Old & Single Women

Published on 02 Apr 2021 / In People & Blogs

⁣My opinion on why you as a man should never feel sorry for old and single women...

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Pale_Profit 4 years ago

Absolutely.I found out the hard way and now I know exactly what the opposite sex is.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

females dont have a ROI anymore,,,,,,,,, years ago she would take care of you s3xually, cook , clean, support your goals, raise your children, take care of the home and take care of herself ( trim fit, healthy)............. not anymore , that is why MARRIAGE IS OUT.

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4_ArchAngel 4 years ago

Think about the guy who these older girls, ''settle'' for. For all thime he is with her, for all his efforts, the guy will always feel [ deep in his gut ], that something is wrong. The ''something wrong'' - that he will not admit to himself- is that nagging notion that he isl, NOT-GOOD-ENOUGH. That won't change because that is how she matter how she tries to lie to the contrary. This will be his lot in life until she divorces him and takes the house and his assets.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

Cant disagree

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A good speech, full of keen observations and insightful remarks.

The women - are so brainwashed by each other and the advertising industry (the main stream media) - which brain washes them all, that they forget they are mortal monkeys with a finite life span and a sexual used up by date.... No children by 26 or 27 = Your heading for extinction. So fuck these retarded bitches.. There is some black guy on Youtube who wears a suit etc., and he interviews these dumb cunts and their delusions... I mean it's good he is doing this, but I'd rather talk to house bricks than dip shits. He is giving an excellent education - but once you kind of get it that most women are entitled retards, then loss of interest in the subject and the loss off interest in the women and all their bullshit, starts to set like cement.

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the red path
the red path 4 years ago

thank you for the comment and what you said is also very true! At the end of the day, if you do quick math and take out of the equation the need for reproduction (from both parts), the need to have a female partner, especially nowadays with the advancement of technology, is close to a bold ZERO! Everybody that had a long-term relationship before knows that it's very time-consuming and since we do not have "doubled" time to live, you waste your time trying to keep up with the endless demands of a woman and you will never achieve anything that you really wanted in life! Just ask and see how married guys or in long-term relationships are exhausted, stressed and incapable of producing anything out of a 9-6 job...

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