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Never Give Up Decoded

Published on 09 Apr 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Never give up. The most powerful three words ever uttered by man and more importantly the most important words ever uttered by Saint Meeks. So what does it mean to never give up? Is there even a context for it? More importantly, the former inkwel and now ascended Swedish Lord Never Give Up has recently made known that his wife is pregnant...although skepticism is warranted he has actually been making fun of and dismissing very sensible takes...because he has lost the plot. Here, a breakdown of why his example is not actually relevant to any man with a comparable set of circumstances.

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Jaygo 10 months ago

I'm gonna call this. I can see a Civil War brewing soon in the "Sisterhood". I believe it will start between the Post wall women who's now desperate for male attention. Against these younger females who are in their prime, still riding the CC. As more and more men GTOW, and leave the West for marriage and relationships; these women who have hit the wall, or soon to hit the wall, now that they're in or past their "epiphany" stage, will blame those younger women for running off the few blue pill Simps left; who are still stupid enough to want to date or marry the modern women. It will be a war between the Post wall past carousel riders with more bodies than a cemetery,, vs the younger batch of carousel riders, who's being slayed by Chad and Tyrone, building their body count portfolio. I think we're seeing the writing on the wall, but we're interpreting it as Trad cons against feminism, or women being chameleons speaking on behalf of men.. I do believe there are a lot of chameleons out there, but i also believe, some of these females are smarter than the average multi color hair radical leftist feminist, and they can see the writing on the wall, and it really scared the hell out of them. So their pushing back. Not for men, but for self preservation.

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Lorgar 10 months ago

Ah-ah! Well said! I cannot wait to see the parasites tear each other apart once there is nothing more to steal. It's just like a batch full of glucose, viruses, shrooms and bacteria. Once the glucose is gone all the parasites will eat one another.

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Lorgar 10 months ago

This is exactly what happens during the late stages of a tyranid invasion. The final Stage.

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