Never Go to A Church Where Women Call the Shots
Published on 24 Mar 2021 / In
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'Verily, verily, I say onto thee: Any woman that does not keep herself for her husband shall not see the kingdom of God, but shall be condemned to die alone...under a comforter of cats, with empty boxed wine carton in tow'. -Jesus, The Pimp-Hand Superstar
FemiNAZIsm and Christianity cannot congeal--FemiNAZIsm promotes THOTery, Christianity demands monogamy (and that is but one of many incompatibilities).
Becoming an adherent of any religion is inadvisable. Religions condition members to be subservient, particularly to women.
An Anti-Religion, Atheist, Apostate
God clearly says in His Word that a woman CANNOT teach or have authority over a man. Therefore, she cannot be the head ruling pastor of a church. ALL the positions of authority in the New Testament Church are for men. Any church that has a female pastor is out of order and in rebellion towards God. I will NEVER attend a church with a female pastor or female deacons or elders. 1 Timothy 2.11-14
For all you Kings James Only Fanatics, please read the book "The King James Only Controversy" by Dr. James White.