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never have a fear of been alone

Published on 05 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

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BIGLOAD 3 days ago

What-up Juice Man.

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sauger1001 3 days ago

So quiet, so peaceful on "this side". Some can't stand the quiet. I'm fine with it. I have a sister who doesn't live far, but she never bugs me. She's been married (and divorced) twice.
She lamented once how her 2nd ex-husband (they still talk, btw) cheated on her "with an older woman", though they were married 20yrs. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, remembering her past when we were teens. She also liked older men (20s) at 13yrs old. I never asked my brothers in-law personal questions, and though the reasons may vary, there's usually one primary reason men cheat: Their needs aren't being met.

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Wsander12 3 days ago

I do not have a fear of being alone. As a matter of fact I encourage it. Because nobody out there will ever talk about what modern day feminism has done to the male psyche and has done to male grief. Because men feel grief too we may express it differently but it's never discussed. Fear of being alone no not at all. Like a song by saliva separated self. If the world is going to be full of liars and deceivers that destroy the very foundations of family unity. Then I will separate myself from that world until it's either corrected or not. I'm facing the fact that very few other than maybe the mgtow community may understand that. I don't expect people like Mr Peterson a Canadian psychiatrist to even get that either. Cuz I've never heard him utter any damn words about male grief. I just saw a video of him discussing adoption of children. And if you pay attention he consulted his wife before speaking. Meaning he was seeking her approval. Likely she was the one who came up with the discussion. Which means he doesn't wear the pants in the family she does. If that's how society is going to be where the females in charge of everything. I opted out of that. I am not afraid to be alone and die alone if that's how this world is going to choose to be. I was raised where my father wore the pants in the family. That's how I think most gen x we're raised too. At least I was raised like that.

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sauger1001 3 days ago

"Hear Hear! Woof Woof! As men, yeah!"

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sauger1001 3 days ago

@sauger1001: Replicant Fish

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