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Published on 07 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

I used the seven from the boy's series as the thumbnail because Garth Ennis the creator said the superhero's are based off our celebrities and politicians and if you kept up with this channel you know exactly how the rich and famous get down minus the colorful costumes and superpowers, they behave just like the supes in this comic book. i would also add there's a chapter where the superhero's go off on an island to fulfill their sexual depravities there's even a part shown where A-Train and jack from Jupiter along with a few other supes smoking fetal tissue, Adrenochrome anyone? Talk about art imitating life man. How much does Garth Ennis know?

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Wait!? Did they have 14year boys there? Kevin Spacey's gay, but I guess an asshole is just as good as any other asshole!? I bet they release some of these videos as a 2024 bombshell just before the election, err the Big Gay Steal... Is fourteen year old pussy that good? I mean according to Sandman, fourteen year old pussy used to be legal in Canada, er Canickistan, but they lifted it up to sixteen if I am not mistaken, but they let the kids think it's eighteen like in the the US.

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Ozmosis 2 years ago

I think i heard somewhere that Spacey was so terrifying they kicked him off the island and if you know anything about his past it makes a lot of sense. Well, it is a degenerate's paradise so i imagine they were supplied with whatever they were into I also wouldn't be surprised if they were partaking in Canaanite traditions.

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Ozmosis 2 years ago

If you want to check this out some dude posted on 4chan who worked for Epstein on what he experienced, it up to you on whether you want to believe its real or not also thats not a shabby theory about them releasing footage before election I'd love to see the normies get a fist punch of reality but knowing zombified they all are I'd be surprised if they even cared.

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Councilof1 2 years ago

At one point in the early 2000's I swear the liberals dropped it to 12 because some psychologists said they understand consent.

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Councilof1 2 years ago

I doubt it'll ever be released. It would shatter society. It's not just Hollyweird. Financial/commerce elements have been implicated. And I'm sure most, if not all, top politicians and bureaucrats are guilty also. Evil people run/control the world. It's like so many people refuse to see the evil before their very eye's. Edit: Actually if they really want to unleash chaos in the West that would do it. Unfortunately I don't think they could control it short of nukes.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

I could see it: I was becoming sexually active at twelve with you know some other twelve year olds and teenagers... back before they soyified our food and poisoned our water with estrogen analogues!

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