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Never Take Dating Advice From Women EP 413

Published on 28 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation
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WMHarrison94 1 day ago

Men asking you to text them when you get home is just letting those men you made it home safely. If that too hard, then fuck off cunt.

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GenerationLESS 2 days ago


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Oh god that woman in the back ground - for the first 9 seconds......

She is so fucking crazy - I can just sense it from here - without even listening to her.

I made it to 40 seconds and I thought, "Why walk away when you can run!" - which is a great idea.

These women are just insufferable.

Thanks for doing this great work.... This is good therapy.

I on the other hand am traumatised to the Nth degree.

I need to have a nice cup of tea, an asprin and a good lie down.

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