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(New) Eggy's Hermetic crucible SE02 Ep68 : metaphysically grab them by the #%*#

Published on 04 Jun 2021 / In Film & Animation

a'nother won..

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BornMGTOWHatedByAll 4 years ago

I can't believe I never discovered you. You're actually going through the same things that I am, in life. I learned that women are spiritually programmed, from the beginning, to seek out their own kind. People choose people that are like them so women choose bad-boys because they're evil.

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BornMGTOWHatedByAll 4 years ago

I prefer good people, in my life so, I've rarely had any friends and people have hated me for always rising above and seeking to be morally better than others.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 years ago

@BornMGTOWHatedByAll: Yup. To find the good people, you must navigate through the bad people. And when you finally find the good people, you appreciate them so much more.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 years ago

@BornMGTOWHatedByAll: Yup. To find the good people, you must navigate through the bad people. And when you finally find the good people, you appreciate them so much more.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 years ago

hahah. yeah, if you werent on youtube a few years back, you missed the absolute best of the hermetic crucible. :) The first season was raw-dog and over most of youtube's head.

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Mgtow Smurf
Mgtow Smurf 4 years ago

If a woman shows interest in you it is because you have something she wants. Never forget, Briffault’s law maintains that “ the female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place .” Today we would say “relationship” rather than “association.”

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 years ago

Yes, Ive never forgotton about Briffualt's law or the epic conversation around this law between you, me, PJP, Monk Music and mgtow values in his live chats back in the day. I'm taking this a step further, however.... Im saying, even if a woman takes an interest in you, assume you are a terrible person and take steps to change that from within. I know why women are attracted to me - and its purely physical.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

You pegged the Patriarchy/Matriarchy perfectly. I'm a Guy on my own (out of MY OWN choice). I don't have a fefail, I don't need a fefail and I don't help or save a fefail. So where is all this power we hear about that women have if I a humble MAN doesn't need one? or in other words, What power does a fefail have over ME?............NONE! end of story!

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mrghoster 4 years ago

women, Mother of Earth? Obviously a creation of a fefail? lol! women are nothing without SPERM and SPERM comes from the start of a CREATION, and it CUM's for want of a better word from a MALE. They talk about oneday they will have artificial sperm? WTF that wont be SPERM then and if they ever did it would have to have an attachment however small to a MALE. This fefail power thing is a DELUSION of their own making? lol!By NATURE by NATURAL happenings the fefail WILL always be second best. they have turned on NATURE and one day hopfully God make it soon they will pay for that turning?

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Lol what a succinct, poignant rant right there Eggy. I'm going to listen to this video, and take notes when I listen to it a few more times. This is a thoughtful topic that is relevant, both in my life personally and for all of us in this time of desperate, broke, vindictive women posing as poor victims.

Evil indeed flows through the woman. They LOVE to pursue the scoundrel, only some sharper women do it secretly and in remote broom closets, rather than doing it openly like so most of them do. This needs to be highlighted across the Manosphere.

So fucking FUNNY and INTERESTING how so much Truth and cutting-edge content is coming [and has come] from you and I [and only a few other creators], and somehow our videos are conveniently overlooked by even a lot of our subscribers! Even on platforms that supposedly love the truth, we're somehow overlooked or ignored. The BOOST feature on this site has been ruined; flooded with people boosting garbage videos on purpose.

Yes, there are not too many women who I can even get aroused by, and masturbate to. It's like my sex drive, being imbued with ever-higher spiritual energy, has refused to activate itself for such lowly creatures. Which is a very good and spiritually-protective thing! I only get hard for a woman in real life, when she exudes cuteness, innocence, and purity of heart and soul. These women are fractions of percents now; most of them are older married women.

Sometimes these married middle-aged women even seem to recognize my increased spiritual energy, and they literally hang around, and buzz around me, seemingly just to be near a man with high testosterone, but has spiritual righteousness and positive energy coming off me. Women are intuitive enough naturally to sense men's energy, and it attracts them, no matter how old they are. It's sad that so many of them are middle-aged, older, and always married; even though that makes perfect sense that they are taken.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 years ago

"So fucking FUNNY and INTERESTING how so much Truth and cutting-edge content is coming [and has come] from you and I [and only a few other creators], and somehow our videos are conveniently overlooked by even a lot of our subscribers! Even on platforms that supposedly love the truth, we're somehow overlooked or ignored." This is the absolute truth, Cage! I have so much i need to talk about and get off my chest. Even doing a video a day isnt enough. And in my own head, its like a never-ending explosion of subjects to tackle in my own uniquely strange way hahah. Its funny that you mentioned middle aged women. I did a video a couple of years back where i said something along the lines of : "Women are only capable of recognizing a good man after they've had a child by the wrong man.. and of course they are useless at that point". I think the video is posted here. But I forget the name of the episode.

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