(New) Eggy's Hermetic crucible SE02 Ep72 : Notions on a Global Mass Refrain
Published on 04 Oct 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Notions of a future much like futures of old. A lot of odd truths in this vid. Many of which are hard to swallow.
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This video has aged well.
^ Sikh-jeet stabbed literal white knight in front of his kid with Sikh-Jeeta. The Sikh-jeet was asked by the father to be mindful of the other patrons and not vape inside the store. The mother and daughter watched the father die right in front of them. The murderer looked very pale and close to death himself from the clot-shot therapy.
Global mass refrain indeed.
You cant blame feminism on thr jews????? Lmao woaw amazing
Spoken like a true swiss phaoroah
This was an awesome video, Eggy: so many truths contained in this one video, it's refreshing. White women are always seen as these idyllic, innocent things, and they're anything but. Just like I feel sorry for any man that has to put up with a Black American woman, now I feel bad [or it's just funny] any guy hooked up to these American White women. Like I've said before, they are some of the most evil, wicked people I've ever run into.
Anyone with eyes can see that White women break down mentally incredibly fast, and [like Black women] are filled with the most hateful and vile sentiments. These negative tendencies come out when they're drunk, or when they get angry and start projecting all their self-loathing on other people. I avoid even talking to them as much as possible; I've intuited a lot of hate and mental anguish from White women in general, and it's only getting worse as time goes on.
Prepare for the worst, pray for the best. Slaves only work as hard as they have to.