(New) Eggy's Hermetic crucible SE02 Ep74 : Sh!t is about to get real EASY for women
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Опубликован в 25 Dec 2021 / В
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Inpired by amr's recent video "Sh!t is about to get real for women" check it out. Not a direct response to his video but a comparitive of how I see it.
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The Jews are just being used as a mind control diversion program.
Poutine really doesn't want to use the nukes, he knows it will be the end of mankind !!
Don't get me wrong , Poutine is in the pockets of the Zionists , so who knows what kind of shit they are doing there in the biggest country on Earth !
I must say bro, you should read about germ theory vs terrain theory. You will learn if you want that viruses don't exist, and bacterias don't cause diseases .
In fact it is the toxic chemicals in the food, water,air and electromagnetic non ionizing and ionizing radiations that cause toxicity or toxemia.
Of course this my perspective after listening to doctors like Stefan Lanka , Dr Andrew Kaufman, and Dr Alec Cowan!
Women will need to use their hypergamy to survive, no choice, as people begin to die around us from the government's actions , plus the economical collapses !!
It won't be like mad max, but more like Robocop with rampant crime everywhere, and a few war lords maintaining order by fear and violence.
The Government will be relegated at trying to preserve some power if they even can!