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(New) Eggy's Hermetic crucible SE02 Ep74 : Sh!t is about to get real EASY for women

68 Просмотры
Опубликован в 25 Dec 2021 / В Фильм и анимация

Inpired by amr's recent video "Sh!t is about to get real for women" check it out. Not a direct response to his video but a comparitive of how I see it.

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Hexeze 3 лет тому назад

The Jews are just being used as a mind control diversion program.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 лет тому назад

I think 'Resourcce ownership and management' is their 'thing'.

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sithsith 3 лет тому назад

Poutine really doesn't want to use the nukes, he knows it will be the end of mankind !!
Don't get me wrong , Poutine is in the pockets of the Zionists , so who knows what kind of shit they are doing there in the biggest country on Earth !

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 лет тому назад

Hes not in Nato's pocket. He IS in Nato's sights.

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sithsith 3 лет тому назад

I must say bro, you should read about germ theory vs terrain theory. You will learn if you want that viruses don't exist, and bacterias don't cause diseases .
In fact it is the toxic chemicals in the food, water,air and electromagnetic non ionizing and ionizing radiations that cause toxicity or toxemia.
Of course this my perspective after listening to doctors like Stefan Lanka , Dr Andrew Kaufman, and Dr Alec Cowan!

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 лет тому назад

You know what I think, sith. I was only quoting 'Narrative". lol.

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sithsith 3 лет тому назад

@Eggy_Noggy: Indeed a good narrated story from the Zionists !

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Hexeze 3 лет тому назад

The medical field is a hoax

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 лет тому назад

@Hexeze: Bingo! So true. Cant believe everything they actually tell you, because they are paid to withold much information from the public domain. At the end of the day, its all about : "What they are NOT telling us".

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sithsith 3 лет тому назад

Women will need to use their hypergamy to survive, no choice, as people begin to die around us from the government's actions , plus the economical collapses !!
It won't be like mad max, but more like Robocop with rampant crime everywhere, and a few war lords maintaining order by fear and violence.
The Government will be relegated at trying to preserve some power if they even can!

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 лет тому назад

Hypergamy is all they know.

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sithsith 3 лет тому назад

@Eggy_Noggy: Good video bro!!

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 лет тому назад

@sithsith: Yup sith, you and i are on the same page with what a collapsed U.S is going to look like. Crime and Domestic violence will reach an all-time HIGH. I cant remember which video I said this in, but i remember you commenting and saying "im glad to hear you say this". I forsee high body-counts.

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sithsith 3 лет тому назад

@Eggy_Noggy: Quite sad , that most humans live in lala land. I am trying to maintain a neutral vibe and balance these days, the state of mind does play a role in survival. Anyways the sheep need suffering and death to change , or they might die quietly and become dust to replenish the land !

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 3 лет тому назад

@sithsith: Bro, i wanna think most of us here at are trying to maintain a neutral balance and vibe. I'll admit, its not like me to want to see shit die off, but we are at this point in the game, where the only thing thats keeping us from being truly free is those among us. The people are their own worst enemy right now. If a good chunk of these fuckers either die out or just shut the fuck up and stop adding to the polarity, it will become very clear who the real enemy is.

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