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New Plan to FOOL ANTI-WOKE Gamers

Published on 16 Dec 2024 / In Gaming

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KEEPER 1 month ago  

i feel like this information should be sent to a lawyer to prevent something like this from happening, because in my eyes it's considered as false advertisement.

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Well if that's the case then I'm GLAD I listened to RGE and did a MASS EJECT and they should call that lame ASS DEFECT 5, no point in this when Honey Select is out and has way better Options ;D GO WOKE CHOKE AND END UP AS A BROKE JOKE \G/

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: wait honey select, isn't that just a sex game? idk, ppl are saying to just not buy games from the west and only support eastern games made in Japan russia china and a few other countries.

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@KEEPER: Yep Russia Korea China Japan is getting WOKE unless they wake up hard to believe at this point unless they comeback with All sexy Waifus is very short outfits and great gameplay otherwise Japan is on life support and they chose to go that way do fuck em, yep western games are dying and Honey select is a 3D Animation Model tool that is used to make some SEXY GAMES think of it as Photoshop to make and design Sexy Waifus for Animation you can customize and choose to select certain parts and features like how you create character in Fallout 4 and Cyberpunk its like that you can choose to make your waifu 6ft Tall have 6 Pack Abs and 6 Titties ;D Haha jk that last part was just a joke on the 666 gigachad nonsens

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Yep Honey Select is a custom tool I think only on PC at the moment where you can make and build your own Waifu or Perfect woman and put her in videos, games or whatever creative element of your choice and it's way better than meatbags and other trash out here today however it does cost at least 1 whole total for the weeks shopping $45-$95 dollars or whichever currency your CUNTRY accepts. However if your like RGE rolling in that HOGAN money then you can spend it like it a darn thing haha

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: wait, what games are going woke from japan china and russia?

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KEEPER 1 month ago

i don't know what you know, even though it mirror these videos all the time, i only know what i'm exposed to.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: so it can be used as a tool to create what you want the women to look like in another game? is that what you meant?

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Here are a few images to give you an idea on Honey select https://yandex.eu/images/touch..../search?text=honey+s

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@KEEPER: Links Suck instead of it being the same thing I copied different links and had a Christmas version to show you yet the link just shows the same first image for some reason fucking stupid tech you would have liked the Christmas Waifu she would have Filled your stocking haha oh well sucks at least you got an idea of what Honey Select is \G/

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@KEEPER: Japan is getting more WOKE so what out for what they put out, the others are OK so far.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: i still need clearification on my other question, so this honey select, can you create a character preset and transfer that creation to another game like skyrim or FO4? or is honey select just offering a race menu to manipulate the player, like what do you do in that game anyway? is it just a character creator or is there more to it? is it just like another sex sim?

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@KEEPER: no it a sex Sim just a better version than those out here today and what I meant by FO4 or Cyberpunk or SKYRIM is the Level of Customization and you can add mods to make your Main Character as perfect to the perfect female as you want however you will have trouble porting it out to different Games to say FO4 you have to use their tools and software and can make just as Good if not better games or Sex Sim with "Story" and so on and some of it is not so bad checked out a game called ETERNUM good story and great Sex Sim Animations in that game and they used Honey Select Software, however to use in a unreal engine not yet gonna happen maybe one day hope that helps clear up and confusion \G/

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: yeah i'm not that technical on that stuff, i know of some modders who do stuff like that, they use other programs to make stuff that they figure out how to port over to the creation engine, but i have never done any of that stuff myself, it's too advanced for me i hate to admit. i'm kind of a dummy in that area of modding, i just know how to install basic mods and what mods they require, i thought about becoming a mod author once, and i did try to use the creation kit, but i found that it had to many issues, the app crashes a lot and there are no tutorial's , you have to go to youtube and dedicate a lot of time and patience into that kind of thing before it yields results, i did make one mod for skyrim back in the day, but it was really stupid, it was a very overpowered character, i wanted to create an NPC that used spliced Alex Jones voice lol and use it as a commanding voice follower guy that i could use in battle, but i was not interested in learning all the other details in modding to make it happen, and i asked other mod authors if i could get help on it, and nobody was interested in helping because they hated Alex Jones lol. i didn't think they would get triggered, i just wanted help downloading and extracting the voice lines and splicing them to make him say whatever i wanted, these days you can just download a video of Alex Jones talking and run it through elevenlabs AI and you can get the text to speech system to say anything in his voice, that guy's got an amazing voice for that kind of charactor.

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@KEEPER: your all good I'm not technical either I'm a BOOMER and figuring out LINUX yeah Fucking God luck with that, I'm the same I just install basic mods doing mods manipulation and hardware modding and other super need modding nope I'm not good at any of that I keep it simple and fun compared to like you said so many Technical issues glitches bad lines of code or performance drain so yeah I get it. ALEX JONES NPC OP haha you joker he must have hated that the water was turning the skyrim frog gays haha. Yeah Alex Jones is funny and AI works wonders people have used his voice for DOOMGUY and have make great videos I wouldn't be surprised if he was used alot more then again he is just that that character either Bill Hicks or CIAbas many have come out and said about him who knows I know that he may get his informers back and expect a fire cracker of a return show also Ibdidnt like it when he made fun of himself when they called him a Russian Agent and for 1 week straight he called himself Alexi Jones and played that character amazingly haha \G/

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: wait, your a boomer? man, there were times when chatting with you, where you sound like your possible gen z lol, but then again you do write kind of like a blind boomer from time to time lol i'm making fun when you write things in all caps text, you don't do it all the time but you do it enough to make me think you might just have bad eyesight. but i'm sure you already know what gen i belong to based on what i watch and find interesting, however you seem to find some of the same things interesting, so it makes me question the boomer deal... like when i'm talking about a game with sexy women, typically boomers are well, their man downstairs isn't quite working like it should and so i'm just surprised you still think that way is all.

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@KEEPER: BOOMER OR MILLENIAL OR GEN Z doesn't mean shit to me and WRITING CAPS or lower Case doesn't mean a things it's all made up from CORPO scumbags that love it when people go all Grammar NAZI, oh well if many people knew the whole and real truth about Writing they may then grow balls and take their CUNTRIES AND LIVES Back from evil Corpo SCUM rather than be brain dead A$$ES that just eat GOYSLOP. Well there are pills for that to make the BOOMERS downstairs work aka Tongkat Ali and yeah We both have similar interests that we like and your easy to talk to not super ego keyboard weirdo that is like it's MY CHANNEL haha so yeah always fun to talk and rarest of times disagree with you \G/

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@KEEPER: Haha it's all good not everyone including me is computer whizzard like some of the nerds however like HAMMERHAND says COMPUTER IS NOT LIFE there is more out there until recently questioning if we hit our peak as all the FAGGOTTS AND RETARDS are killing Christians and making SOYCIETY Fucked up beyond all repair and makes one wonder is there anyone real or normal or based out there anymore and why bother stepping out when you can relax and enjoy your Waifus at home while all the other Meatbags and thieves kill each other over Consumer Products. Now if they make FALLOUT 5 and Add NIER AUTOMATA Waifus or Mods to allow that I would never leave the house and never be heard from again haha A2 and 2B in Power Armor will be getting Broken all day evreryday before the Purge Missions start ;D \G/

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: well i grew up in the VHS and Betamax tapes and cassette tapes era, and i'm no boomer lol

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: you mean agree to disagree? lol

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: i never asked you about this, but what do you think of the story of FO4? every person i ask on this either hates it and points to the things they don't like or they get into the lore stuff or get mad about some things, i for one don't mind the story, however maybe i'm a little critical on some of the paths the game allows you to choose because it's limited choices, so many better outcomes could have been better, i'm currently playing a mod called sim settlements 2 that basically continues that story in the same world so they go alongside each other very well and the story feels a lot more complete, the only thing i hate about that mod is the glitches and bugs and the performance issues it brings, other than that i think it has a great story and premise and quality behind the glitches and issues, unfortunately i have to significantly optimize my modlist to run the mod, because the mod is very long with a lot of side quests and stuff like that to do and it can be somewhat unstable after a while, if there was one thing i wish the mod author changed in the mod it would be to make the GNN restoration much more simple, i hate the gameplay mechanics that he built into that location because they cause the game to pretty much not function or it causes other quests to have significant issues down the line., like i said it's got a great story that fits alongside the vanilla story, but the mechanics are simply too performance heavy which can cause issues down the line.

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@KEEPER: I get what you mean by the mods being performance drag heavy I guess you can say that's with every mod it has its pros and cons, now FO4 storyline to was MID at best I was there for the babes and Lazers and when that gets boring even with power Armor :D I was like this sucks I'm gonna go back to DOOM AND QUAKE 4K and didn't pay much attention to the story now that these Mobile Waifu Gatchya Games have Better everything Naked Waifus, Lazers, Storyline, Mods and much More I'm not even gonna Bother with FO4 even if modded that's just me though, once you take a break from FO4 vanilla or modded and try out some of the WAIFU GAMES you will find it hard to leave that and go back to FO4 the only thing I don't like about WAIFU GATCHYA games is the you must log in or sign in everyday to get a daily task done or some bullsbite like that when you might just want to get away from your phone and some of them are mobile/PC compatible so you can put your phone away and pick up on PC and vice versa haven't seen that from FO4 so yeah down to preference each to their own. Remember if you not having fun gaming and your just grinding and problem fixing its not gaming, it's called annoying \G/

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@KEEPER: Yeah I feel the same way about a free mobile Sex Sim story game I downloaded on mobile its free and everyone was hyping it up, game called ETERNUM, it even comes with a Walk Through guide to help you make the best choices to get the best story ending and as much Completion if your a completionist which I am normally not however in this game I was and I got to that point and the Ending was lame and joke, How do you have great writing story sex scenes and so much and then just end it on a bland lame ending, I even messaged the Developer and said Man it kind of ruins your game how do you put all that passion into it and make it suck at the end and that's how you wan to end the game, The developer still says it's in Development and working on it so may change it if many disagree with the current ending like I do after putting in many hours into it and skipping some boring parts, I said to them what I needed to say and moved to another game that I have known about and hype around it and has the same great stuff to it however the Grind in the New game Fucking Sucks though the Sex Scenes are great though so there is that \G/

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@KEEPER: RGE said it best about the new plan about DEVS acting like they not gonna do WOKE shite and then bait and switch and Censor it at a later date, Look at what's Happening to Platinum Games Devs who made Sexy Nier Automata they might get Bought out and turn Woke thanks to SOY ENIX fucking traitors and this was from RGEs latest stream on his MGTOW channel what a Fucking shame RGE said it best you have a GOLD MONE with NIER AUTOMATA fucking use that formula and repeat it or milk it for all its worth and make some new and better don't ruin it and let it die for investment money and Wokeness trash

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: oh, that helps me understand what you value in a game, for me it's got to be a game that has a little of everything, it's got to have a story and multiple endings and the gameplay loop, i like a looter shooter, but without a story i lose interest, and as for a wifu game if it doesn't have a story or a world to explore with lots to do, i lose interest very quickly, that's mostly why i love playing these kinds of bethesda games, i like that they pretty much offer all these things, however bethesda never really offers good followers that look good, they are always ugly as shit and you have to rely on modders to make them look good, and that includes their bodies and such, bethesda will never make it possible to have sex in their games without fading to black, it's always this lame ass rated PG shit with them., but not a whole lot other games allow mods like bethesda offers, so they at least have that over most other games, like i just love the near endless variety that is offered in a bethesda game, now i likely won't touch starfield, unless they really give it a good overhaul and make it run better and flesh out their worlds more, idk maybe some modder will come around and make it so the entire story only involves a few planets so the game doesn't feel so damn baseless and pointless. so bottom line, it can't just be a wifu simulator for me to like the game, it's got to have a bit of everything for me to like it.

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: i get your comment about the fixing the game, and to a degree i agree, however once i get the game how i like, i do feel satisfaction as the game runs well enough, but can always be improved, i'm always looking for mods that enhance performance and fixes so everything runs smoothly, i have had the game run smooth before, but some mods can be a bit much and cause more issues than they fix sad to say.

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: yeah i saw that news today, i kept correcting ppl in youtube comments of how it will work, the game will likely release and it won't be woke out of the box, but the game will extract as much as they possibly can out of the ppl who purchased the game only to do their bait and switch tactic to add in the woke shit everyone hates, and by then nobody will be able to get a refund of the game because they have been playing the game for a long while long passed the return policy and they will be fucked, they did this with that heldivers game, and that game is pretty much dead now as they had to take down the server, another thing ppl have to look out for is live service games and always online games, this is how they get you, now they can fuck with single player games as well, but with single player games it's easier to prevent the update if you know what you are doing with the APPMANIFEST code when setting it to read only to prevent the update. but yeah i fully expect them to do shit like this, oh fuck i got to go to bed.

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@KEEPER: Yep exactly why I don't fuck with Bethesda anymore and try out ETERNUM on oppaiman.com it's the game I was talking about you can get it on PC windows, Linux or Mac and it's got everything you want just better than BETHESDA just not mods and sometimes it can be linear story or it gives you choices to decide I think you will like it apart from the Ending other than that it's greater than Bethesda and has proper actual women. Sleep well and always Happy Fun Gaming \G/

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: oh this is the stuff grimlord plays, the only think i don't like about that is these are just stories, a lot of the games are still images, not my thing, they need full motion for me to enjoy. i looked up that word of the game before the site and came up with this. https://caribdis.itch.io/eternum

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@KEEPER: Yeah exactly the game Grimlord plays that's where I got the idea to download it from, yep you can get it from Itch.io or like I said Oppaiman.com where sometimes they have better games and those by same developers just not on itch, or steam and sometimes they are better, Well I think you should try it out it may surprise you your call \G/

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@KEEPER: Yeah exactly the game Grimlord plays that's where I got the idea to download it from, yep you can get it from Itch.io or like I said Oppaiman.com where sometimes they have better games and those by same developers just not on itch, or steam and sometimes they are better, Well I think you should try it out it may surprise you your call \G/

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: i can see the popularity in them on a phone but not for a serious game for myself anyway. i'm not into still images that don't move, to me that's not really a video game, it's more of a still image game, you know the shit you see a lot of on mobile, the website i think it said it's an mmo, i don't really see that, it seems like the creator want's to benefit off of the idea of live service, and to a degree i get it, but idk, it's not for me.

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KEEPER 29 days ago

yes it has a story, but it's still a" still image game" it's like table top, i have zero intrest in these type of games, i did watch some of grimlords stuff, and i even gave him the same opinion as this on his channel, but according to him, some dudes like it, and he enjoys it, it seems, so if you enjoy it, whatever, but it won't please all tastes, you could easily make a story still image game just by providing pictures and writing a story alongside it.

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Shrike777 1 month ago

Look at what they tried with Stellar Blade.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

they still kind of got away with it, but then we could also bring up helldivers, apparently that game was released and ppl loved it, until one day 4 months later they decided to add in a bunch of gay shit and ppl stopped playing the game and now they recently had to pull down the server because it suddenly didn't have enough players because of their woke vagina issues.

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Shrike777 30 days ago

@KEEPER: Agreed, may it never stop. Fuck these commie cuntz.

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