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New Study on Electric Car Deaths Shocks the Entire Car Industry

49 Vues
Publié le 25 Nov 2022 / Dans Science et Technologie

Electric car vs Gasoline car review. New Study on Electric Car Deaths Shocks the Entire Car Industry, DIY and car review Scotty Kilmer. Electric car review. Worst electric cars to buy. Buying a new electric car. Buying a used electric car. Should I buy an electric car, hybrid car, or gasoline car? How much does it cost to run an electric car. Why not to buy a electric car. The truth about owning an electric car. Car advice. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 55 years.

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I think "IN SOME WAYS" this is brilliant technology and it has many good things going for it....
Like if your garage / house has 2 - 10 Kw of solar panels on the roof and your only doing infrequent short trips in the car, or with more panels, moderate trips, of a moderate frequency - brilliant = free transportation (in a sense - with TCO and system payback times).

But the batteries - I have seen a number of videos where there is a "Pop!" => "Fizz" => and then it goes into Nuclear Blow Torch Mode..... It's literally 3 to 5 seconds from when it starts, and your luxury electric vehicle turns into a mobile crematorium.

As soon as it goes "Pop!" it's jam on the brakes - to the floor boards, lock up the wheels - smoke the tyres to a screeching stop and just jump out and run for your life. You don't have time to go, "Oh what was that noise? Where is that smoke coming from?" etc. like some retarded cunt.

Because by then it's too late and the car is an inferno.

Fuck that.

The batteries at the very least need to be encased in a backwards venting cabinet - to give at least 30 seconds of Nuclear Blow Torch Mode - pointed away from the car, to the rear, so you can escape your own car, without being burned to death while trying to get out and away from it.

I LIKE the idea of electric cars, but not ones that go "Pop!" => "Fizz" => and into Nuclear Blow Torch Mode in literally 3 to 5 seconds.

They make fucking around with a drum of petrol and a cigarette lighter look comparitively safe.

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KEEPER 2 années depuis

I fully agree with what you just said, weird thing is while reading your post, it made me think that the battery in the car should have some kind of Auto eject feature, or maybe something that shoots the passengers up LOL, but obviously that's just a cartoon scenario of how that s*** would work, you can't do that with electric cars especially with the lithium ion now, every Tesla that's made right now the battery is infused into the car's chassis, there's no alternative where you can just eject the battery from the car in order to save the vehicle and the occupants Within, I mean Elon has admitted that the kind of batteries we have now are not good enough for what he needs his car to run on, we obviously need a better battery, something where you don't need to infuse it into the entire chassis of the body of the car, but something that will hold plenty of power and still function and not have messed up situations such as this in the video, but still be just as efficient and a viable option. So I'm not necessarily against electric vehicles, but the battery situation, is just we're not there yet, I know for like a full decade now they've been talking about the alternate battery of graphene batteries, but the only thing we've heard about it for the full decade straight is how revolutionary that kind of Technology will be when it eventually shows up, but the problem is the production of that kind of battery is proving more difficult to produce and have a viable product to the point where right now it's just not there, maybe one day in the future it will be there, and I suppose we'll embrace it then, but right now lithium ion batteries are not a good thing to use for vehicles. What's weird about this, is it makes you think about how they keep a PC cool, there must be some kind of system in place to cool down the battery or something like that in order to control its overheating issues, like a PC has several fans and is built in order to direct the heat out of the machine within and efficient way, we also have other methods of cooling it down such as water cooling, but that may not work so well with something like a battery, what exactly is the solution here? This is why I keep falling back into the idea of hydrogen, because it's easy to freaking create, it doesn't take that much power to create it, but yeah you can run into the same issues you can run into a wreck and blow up the entire car depending on how well protected the tank was and how the hit took place. But it's probably even more efficient than a battery is, for one the gas is inert and it's not like it's going to heat up on its own because of the stress, and I know all the stuff about the people pointing to the hindenburg, but what people don't understand is the Hindenburg went up in Flames for a very different reason, that entire flying ship blew up because of various reasons, we have perfected it since then where it's a lot more safe, there's still some risk and safety factors to consider of course, but that you can consider with anything any type of fuel is going to be dangerous in one way or another. But people keep bitching about gas prices going up, diesel prices going up, what's the solution? Have everyone convert their vehicle into a electricity sponge with all these battery issues of your car? I know they say that it's more economical do Direct solar to charge a battery, but you have to have a lot of solar panels in order to do that, however you could do the exact same thing with something like hydrogen creation, now it is true that you lose out on some of that energy and it turns out to be a loss, but believe it or not, you can literally run everything off of hydrogen, imagine your entire house using nothing but hydrogen to power it, to heat your house to cool your house to give your house power, now all of that is converted from solar or wind power in order to generate the gas and then you hold the gas in the tanks for a while, but there's a guy who survives winter on just his tanks, and he has plenty of power for the entire year of only 3 months of collection using solar panels, but nobody will touch nuclear power, which is hilarious because that's still the most efficient power source on this planet, but nobody wants to use it because they don't believe it's green energy even though we have advanced the systems and sit in place systems to prevent nuclear reactor meltdowns, but whatever, unfortunately it's the people who advocate for global warming who have the power to shut that stuff down, so our advancement doesn't exactly Advance further and technology, we just end up going backwards and trying to redefine what we have, I mean we built this giant infrastructure of solar panels and wind and water turbines in order to come back global warming, but the same people who advocate for this stuff, are the same people who want you to die because cow farts destroying the earth, they're the same people who want to regulate every damn thing you do in your life and turn it against you. At that point it doesn't make you want to support their technology or their ideas, it actually makes you want to outright reject whatever they have to say on the conversation. Obviously there's no perfect answer for any of this, but all we can do is try something out for a while, and if it doesn't work out for whatever reason we should try something else, problem is that will take a lot of time money and manpower to change directions, and too many people have gotten used to just solar wind power generation and they've also gotten used to using lithium ion batteries which have become much more expensive to make because it's become harder to extract as some of the minds that used to have him we've used them up, so that new revolutionary battery better come along soon, because at some point they will run out, that's not something you're going to ever run into with hydrogen by the way, you'll never run out of that, that's the most abundant resource on Earth.

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KEEPER 2 années depuis

Apologies on how crazy long that was, but when I get into a rant about something I'm passionate about, I bring up all the issues and all the baggage and nonsense. But I do agree with what you have to say.

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@KEEPER: A very basic pressed glass fiber case around the batteries with a "pop off" back port / vent - it has to be fire resistant, but only for 30 seconds or so.... I still don't like the idea of any of these batteries in anything, charging up in side my home - but laptops and smart phones at least appear to be safe enough.

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KEEPER 2 années depuis

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: in most other cases, the draw that is taken from the batteries on portable mobile devices, it's usually not an issue unless in some specific circumstances, but something with moving parts that produces a lot more heat like a car, that kind of situation can end very badly really quick as you explained in your other post. i mean we saw this happen with the skateboards that were battery operated, i can't remember the brand that it was but the battery went through some stress and it caused a chemical fire, but with a computer, there are programs that preform to keep the use of operating the device from overheating when it reaches a tempreture threshold and it will shut down the PC as a safeguard for the rest of the components of the PC. maybe they need something like that when it comes to these cars, you would assume they already do, but these stories keep coming of these cars turning into a portable crematoriums like you said. so it makes you think they aren't putting any of these kinds of safe guards in these cars right now. maybe one day they will fix it, it's just not there today.

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@KEEPER: Seen these? ----

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 années depuis

Mate, do you know Scottie is...
He is not TFM, let's leave it at that.
Full of shite.

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sauger1001 2 années depuis


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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 années depuis

@sauger1001: Scottie Kilmer is a joke. Look at this video, he tried to copy Jason's Style.

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