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Nice Try Satan, I Won’t Back Down Your Tactics.

Published on 18 Feb 2021 / In Film & Animation

Dear gents, This video is not a message to you guys or any human but rather as a direct message towards the dark spiritual forces including Satan, ZOZO and King Paimon themselves. I know that even if they send their human controlled opsition/haters as one of their grand tactis in order to shut me up and get me to crumble, I will never back down from doing what's right for you guys and MGTOW. Always remember that gents, Love&Cheers.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago  

Always remember to stand up for yourselves against these human haters.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

I'm watching you and your spiritual declarations very closely. Bruh, you are the real deal. You know so much. You're a Light-Worker like me!!

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RickyLux 4 years ago


I personally could see demonic forces being on either side of the fence here. On one hand demons relish chaos and unrest, which MGTOW causes in spades when their numbers in a given nation rises beyond a certain point. But on the other hand, the current paradigm causes great suffering too. So it's hard to say which they would root for in the end. Lol.

If i had to guess, though. I would say demonic forces root for MGTOW to exist, but not to ever accomplish anything of note in respect to challenging and overthrowing the current paradigm. Basically amounting to an opposition which just spins their tires ineffectively while the paradigm continues tossing men into a meat grinder. Which in a sense we are already. I mean, MGTOW isn't actively destroying the system which creates these broken men. Merely telling other men yet to be destroyed by it to not enter into it's domain. Which while serving the end of recruitment. Isn't exactly actively overthrowing anything. So for now, we're all mostly spinning our tires when it comes to taking on the actual paradigm proper. But then again, i have no issue with that at present. Until we got the numbers, that would be foolish to commit to. MRAs failed to heed this warning, and they were crushed.

I hope for MGTOW as a group to assemble enough strength to change the paradigm through merely existing alone. You need not actively fight the paradigm when you make up the majority of a population after all. Just your lack of compliance in it will suffice to destroy it at that point. Though to assure it's destruction, active steps must be taken. But that alone would weaken it so much to being ineffective in it's main goals. Basically ensuring your next active steps to permanently destroy it are unimpeded. That's my hope for our community, to gather the numbers. Slowly weaken the opposition via noncompliance passively, then once they are desperate to concede ground. Destroy them. Though i am unsure how well that will play out. Lol.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

Interesting strategies but anyway as part of as part of a spiritual practice, I’ve been searching on how to convert HTP into Mexamaine then into 5-Meo DMT through electrodialysis, I’m also learning how to create the chemical ingredients needed from scratch which I got working on it with 12v plug in jumper cables

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RickyLux 4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: Nice, i lack a lot of knowledge on chemistry. Not a subject i got to play around with growing up. Though i wish you well in your goals as to this, just don't get yourself iced hm? :)

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

@RickyLux: So I was doing a psychic reading on Hillary Clinton’s childhood photos and I found out along with a very creepy image of Hillary Clinton which I learned that she is the daughter Azazel and her real name is Geazeil which Geazeil or her human name Hillary Clinton relys on adrenochrome to maintain her body. Because no such negative energy could ever survive with any human body without facing entropy. Which Adrenochrome is a very nasty psychic substance that counteracts entropy and lowers ones vibrations even of a fetus thus allows really nasty demonic spirits to gain bodies by being born then growing up in them

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

It really sent chills down my spine learning what Hillary’s true form looks like.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: I was reading your comment about H.C.'s childhood photos and her true form, and the adrenochrome. I got major chills, Shadow Monk. I only get those when something is absolutely true. Wow, so the adrenochrome is a psychic substance that is extremely negative, huh? And HC is of a demonic origin?

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

Satan can try his hardest to try to get me to back down and crumble under the weight of his human controlled opposition haters, but none of that means anything.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

He knows that I’m crossing unto uncharted territory when exposed in the dark spiritual forces but I don’t care what satan thinks.

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