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Nick Fuentes: I'm here to tell you that Israel is not the king of the United States...

Published on 19 Jun 2024 / In News & Politics

At Turning Point they think that Israel is king.

I'm here to tell you that Israel is not the king of the United States...


- Nick Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) 🇺🇸 ✝️


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I don't particularly like the religious bullshit - "Christ is King" - but it is a fair rallying point, as another way to tell the jews and the Zionist Occupied Governments (everywhere) to fuck off - on the end of a rope.

People who believe that a mythical zombie in low earth orbit that communicates with them by telepathy is the going thing.....


OK a crash course in history and fairy stories....

There was a King in Babylon called Hammurabi, he set up the city / state laws of the land, and they were called the "Code of Hammurubi"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Hammurabi ----- the laws are here -----

https://en.wikisource.org/wiki..../The_Laws_of_Hammura ----


(my favourite... has the salutations and prologue)

https://en.wikisource.org/wiki..../The_Laws_of_Hammura - well read them and then read the first 11 books of the old testament....

WHY? Because when King Darius the Sumarian went to war against the Babylonians - he won and set all their war slaves free, and some of these came from around judea, and they stole the bylaws of Babylon and everywhere it was written, "I the king said", they rubbed it out and wrote in, "Our Deity Said, we the Priests said" - so around 6 or 8 books of first 11 books of the old testament, are based upon plagarisim... ----

Yes the jew cult is only 3100 years old... and it's all based upon make believe...

So the son of the fictitious jew diety... is non existent... and the book of relevation...

"I am the Apha and the Omega - the beginning and the end of all times" - Yeah the jew cult is 3100 years old.... that is not much of an eternity...

The people in Greece had their gods on Mount Olympus etc., 2000 years before that.

And the oldest altar found so far is around 34,000 years ago....

It's ALL superstitious bullshit.....

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