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Nick Fuentes talks about Downtown Chicago being absolutely destroyed by Black Crime.

Published on 12 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics

Nick Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) talks about Downtown Chicago being absolutely destroyed by Black Crime. Every night there's car theft, car jackings, shootings & gang violence.

Nick also says Trump should go down there, talk about it & call out the Mayor for allowing it to happen.


Cozy.tv: https://cozy.tv/nick
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/nickjfuentes
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AF Clips Telegram: https://t.me/AFClips3
Website: https://nicholasjfuentes.com
Gab: https://gab.com/realnickjfuentes
Periscope: https://pscp.tv/NickJFuentes
AFPAC: https://afpac.events
America First Foundation: https://americafirstfoundation.org
Cozy TV America First Foundation: http://Cozy.tv/AFF

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To put this bluntly - the USA is a nation of liars, who condone lying.

e.g. Mc Donalds makes poison "food" - they call it "Mc Happy Family Meals" etc.

Their suppliers supply - despite the lies.
The workers work - despite the lies.
The management manages - despite the lies.
The advertising people keep advertising - despite the lies.
The customers keep coming - despite the lies.
And all the people keep eating this shit - despite the lies.
The mainstream media keep promoting Mc Donalds - despite the lies.

Collectively - the "entire population" condones lying, and people dying, because the food is cheap, they are lazy, and they all condone being lied too, and they all condoned doing nothing about it.

Of course this is never intended to cover everyone, under all circumstances, but the general thrust is absolutely accurate.

Until the entire population stands up and says no to ALL the lying, all the bullshit, all the back doors, all the jew scamming etc., and all the drugs, gossiping, gambling and vivid fantasy worlds - starting with themselves, their families and their communities and their business's, and politicians etc.

AND the jew owned media - and their forever mind fuck side show circus lying....

The fentanyl is just going to keep right on coming in - and the rot ON ALL fronts is just going to keep on happening.

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