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Nick Fuentes: “They don't believe in human rights. They think non-Jews are animals."

Published on 07 Feb 2025 / In News & Politics

They ✡️ are not like us. ✝️

“They don't believe in human rights. They think non-Jews are animals. (…) I don't want to share a civilization with people like that. Get them the fuck out of here.”

- Nick Fuentes
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WMHarrison94 8 days ago

Oh yeah, the most important thing. If these Satanic Jews think we are not human, their own Old Testament God of Abraham er of Israel El Elohim told them specifically not yo fuck animals. It is a sin punishable by Hell. If we Gentiles are animals and they fuck us, by their Own God El Elohim's dictates, they're going to Hell for Beastality. He is very clear on this. They are shit and they know it, the fake Jews of Satan's Synagogue as Both God El Elohim amd Himself in Cosplay as Christ said.

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WMHarrison94 8 days ago

Oh, little gay Nikki... I believe you said it as THE JOOS believe it, but let me correct you. First off, the Talmud is not a "religious book," it is a Satanic or Demonic one, a cheat code. Those who wrote the Talmud were chicken shits at Mount Sinai who lied and aligned with Moses and struck down murdering their brothers and allies with the same Egyptian orgy influence religious thoughts, ie Age of Taurus Fertility Rites bullshit. Those who read and quote the Talmud ate Satanic Jews.

Second, Jews are European as fuck bitch boy. I know Ashegnazi Jews are Germans. In fact, they in Israel will notblet you test genes to prove Jewishness because of these German Ashegnazi Jews who joined (and likely created the NAZI party.) George Soros anyone? So... how? Remember when Babylon though called Chaldeans sacked Israel enslaving them and then the Bible, ie Biblos or "library" was organized by Daniel. Well, before that I think might be atound 590 BC, well before that they had a second kingdom of Jews with Two Tribes and the sex fiend King er Ahab wasn't it? The one who married Jezebel, the Whore of Baal" with her painted face woman meme or epitaph (stone carving) as they called it. The nasty woman eaten by her own dogs. Well, two tribes were driven out of Israel by I believe the Assyrians. I believe those two tribes went to Germany (Ashegnazi Jews) and Italy before the Vesperian Emperors I believe it was who sacked Israel too, you know after Christ was born and died. I can double check these and probably should do a video.

So, Europe was based on the children of Atlantis, we called them Greeks (after Rome called them "foreigners" ie Gracia or Hellenes before that. They actual left Egypt with Moses carving our alphabet or PreHebrew with them. In fact it is the Israellite trail out of Egypt exactly as the Bible indicated. Tribe of Dan goldsmiths are also the "Greek" Danubes, goldsmiths, who brought Middle Kingdom Egyptian gold to Mycenae with in hheor shafts graves three carved reliefs depicting the Parting of the Red Sea... and the only image ever especially from Antiquity of the Ark of the Covenant. Receipts are viewable in Exodus Decoded a documentary. The Ecodus was Atlantis sinking or Tarshish as the Jews called it both refering to Pharaoh Ahmose I of Avaris. Nobody else is saying this because they're stupid. Both of these are linking to Santorininor Thera's eruption, which geologists misdated by about a hundred years and Exodus is the Hyskos Expulsion. Arcgaeolohists date it properly c. 1,500 BC by its water gloating ash and airborne projected ash at buried known archaeological levels at Avaris, Knossos, etc other Mediterranean sites all around Satorini.

And I'm just getting start on what Lil gay Nikki has wrong and the lying Satanic Jews.

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WMHarrison94 8 days ago

You mean the hobgoblins Jews think they are human?

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