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Nick Fuentes: Why do Jеws rеаlly bеlieve Christ is King is аntisеmitic?

Published on 25 Apr 2024 / In News & Politics

Why do Jеws rеаlly bеlieve Christ is King is аntisеmitic? - Nick Fuentes
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Hawk1 28 days ago

Interesting point(s) of view as to why "Christ is King" is antisemitic. I've never heard the basic Christian point of view called "antisemitic" before. Although in many ways it is, I've just never heard anyone say that before.

However, I don't agree with the Catholic point of view. Prophecies in the New Testament clearly describe the Pope and Catholic Church as the Anti-Christ. Most Catholic doctrines are unbiblical, and thus resulted in the Protestant Reformation and the Restoration Movement here in the USA. This is ignored by the Catholic point of view. They are to be seen as the true church but were in fact warned of in the New Testament.

The Catholic Church had a lot of power for close to 2,000 years, but Jesus clearly describes his followers as being not a part of the world. The Catholic Church, however, was at the center of it for so long, including land, wealth, war, and conquest. Most Protestants, however, were mainly non-resistant / "pacifist," especially in the USA, until the period between the Civil War through to WWI. This was per Jesus's teaching.

Today, the Catholic Church's banker is well-known to be the Rothschilds.

In the Media, almost everyone is Jewish. If they are not Jewish, then the second-most prominent actors/artists/etc. are Catholic. See it for yourself. Look up some celebrities. If they are not Jewish, they will be Catholic. ...or perhaps atheist or agnostic. But very rarely will they be Protestants.

The Catholic Church is also very much in favor of illegal immigration into the USA. Catholic fathers in Central and South America, I have read, often very much encourage immigration from there into the USA. Most Americans, especially conservative Protestants, voted for Bush twice and McCain, who both wanted to legalize 20 million illegal immigrants into the USA. They see it as a political and/or racial issue, and that is true, but it is also a religious issue. They basically are supporting a Catholic invasion. The elders, deacons, preachers, and members of most rural, small town, conservative, Protestant churches always vote Republican. They voted for their own demise. All such churches around me have been slowly closing, one by one, but the local Catholic churches have members out on the front steps of the church because there is no room inside. I am a conservative, traditional, Protestant Christian, also, but most of them are real ignorant.

People also do not understand the Freemasons. For example: All of the Gold Rush towns here in California, (the ones that sprang-up overnight, disappeared overnight, moved down the road, turned into ghost towns, or are still here today), in each one the very first building built each time was a Masonic Lodge. Not a Chinese laundry, a saloon, a blacksmith shop, a general store, a jail, a sheriff's office, or a church, but a Masonic Lodge. (Too bad they don't show that in old Western movies!) And not just anyone could start one. Sure, you could build one yourself, elect yourself grandmaster, but you would not be recognized, and you would make serious enemies,... and may not be around long. So, no, not just anyone could start one. You had to be chartered by a lodge from the East Coast of the USA. Therefore, they were connected. And, each time, in each town, about 70% of the towns with only a sheriff, the sheriff was a Mason. And, in each town that only had a mayor, (because in those days mayors had law enforcement powers), about 70% of them were Masons. And in towns that had both a mayor and a sheriff, about 60% were both Masons. (See "Nuggets and Trowels.") But these are only the ones documented. These were secret societies. So, just because it was not documented, it doesn't mean it wasn't so. In short, to simplify, the Masons were the government here before there was a government here. And they have similarly had a heavy influence in the rest of the government(s) of the USA from the beginning, but it was clearly shown in the development of California. Most likely, a similar history could be seen in the development from territories into states of other American states, and in probably other countries, also.

And today, most Baptist Church ministers are Freemasons. About 60+% are known to be grandmasters. (What about the 40%? Just because they are not grandmasters doesn't mean they are not masons...) The Southern Convention even studied the issue themselves. According to their printed work, most Baptist Churches are built after a Masonic corner stone ceremony. (You can often see a Masonic plaque somewhere on the building.) So, the Masons control them, too. I am not a Baptist, and cannot stand the Baptist Church for doctrinal and other reasons, but the Baptist Church is the biggest Protestant Church in the USA and the biggest Protestant Church in the world. And, they are controlled by the Masons, or at least heavily influenced by them. And who controls the Masons? Most likely the Jews. That has been documented in a few places, including the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and a few books.

In short, the Jews control Masons that control a big chunk of Protestant Churches. The Jews themselves hate Christ and the Church. But the Catholic Church is also not our friend. There have been theories that the Jews control the Catholic Church or that the Catholic Church controls the Jews. (Similarly, there are theories that the Catholic Church controls Muslims.) Which is true? Or neither? I don't know. But the Catholic Church has prophecies describing it in the New Testament as evil, a long history of worldly control and violence, and unbiblical doctrines. I don't see them as the counter to the Jews. Most likely, they are working together.

Whatever the case, the Church in Revelation is on its own, pursued into the desert. Most Protestants are not bright and think the USA can be a "Christian Nation." The Christian Nation concept is not biblical. If it is biblical, where are the biblically written requirements, descriptions, or at least instructions to be so? There are none. Even if it was biblical, the USA would not meet the requirements. Even if it met them 200 years ago, it would not meet them today. Moreover, without looking into it in depth, being a "Christian Nation" would be making friends with the world and using violence, and using it very regularly. N. Fuentes is making a similar assertion except that it would be a Catholic Nation, and the idea is biblically flawed for the same reasons plus more.

The secret societies of Western Civilization teamed-up and had one purpose: To overthrow the monarchies and the royal families in order to establish so-called representative governments. The secret societies and the monarchies are natural enemies, like the cobra and the mongoose. The only ones that can take-out the secret societies are the monarchs. And the only ones who can take-out the monarchs are the secret societies. After overthrowing all the monarchs and royal families throughout the world, the Masons, Rosicrucians, etc., became an occupation force. That is when they began putting out all their esoteric work, their spooky symbolisms, and claims to heritage from ancient Mystery Schools. This was basically a recruitment effort to stay in power and occupy countries after their revolutions overthrew the monarchs. Of late, secret societies aren't so important as people are now essentially controlled and occupied by their TV's and the rest of the media. Rather than power being controlled and monitored by a network of power-hungry, desperate guys meeting at night with code words and esoteric, "ancient wisdom" gibberish that was made-up in the late 19th Century, today power is concentrated into smaller groups, as well as high-tech and easily monitored.

Monarchs were not perfect. They were evil and corrupt and fallen like everything else, but the monarchs had "skin in the game." They relied on their countries for wealth, power, and security. They would never agree to off-shore jobs from Free Trade policies, leave the borders wide-open, arm drug cartels, import drugs, transfer technology to enemy states, including arms technologies, and put dictators into power, and all the other crappy things our "representative governments" do, as that would threaten their own country and therefore their own wealth, power, and security. There is no such thing, therefore, as representative government.

If then, there is no hope in the Jews, no hope in the Catholic Church, and no hope in your fake representative governments, the only hope is in the churches, and most have been corrupted by the Masons and therefore most likely controlled by their Jewish masters. Instead of worthless ballots in a fake representative government or a wholly corrupt Catholic Church, the only place here hope is and where people should place their energy and support is in the churches. That is what is described in the New Testament and in the "End Times" prophecies of the New Testament.

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SolidSnake33 11 months ago

Jews are God's chosen people. Christians have a slave morality and deference to Jews whom they also believe are God's chosen people. These people are the problem and have always been the problem since the Roman empire. The Jews have a grudge of resentment to bear little do Chrustians know: it is they who they bear the grudge against.

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