Nigel Farage discusses Boris Johnson-s calls for a national debate on mandatory vaccines
The VACCINEW "IS" the VIRUS, yet no body can comprehend or mention that "Possibility"? All the countries that have had massive vax plan's have more people dying or infected? Logic tell's me that the Vax is a way of preptuating this virus Myth/ There is no Virus, so to perpetuate it they need figures to make people ILL and say it is the Virus? Also when Viruses mutate they get WEAKER, they may infect more because it is fighting for IT's Life or existance, but it is actually dying? those who have had no side effects from the vsaccine or have not been vaxed basically are healthy and the vax some got was just a plasibo or something? also the rerason for giving the "Vulnarable" the vax is to try and kill them off. The Vaccine's ARE the VIRUS. Evil being done to suppluy Big Pharma with profit's? This will never stop ubtil ytou say fuck that it's enough. Which I and a number of friends are now doing. We don't listen to government o0r Science anymore, we are NOT following rules that are NOT LAW remember so it is NOT an offense to dismiss any of the rules? You can turn up at a venue unvaxed and get turned way? WEell that's thweir financial loss isn't it! lol! If they want to flagilate there own business and lose money because of ignorance then I hope they go out of businerss because we don't need them anyway? Johnson is an 18th century Fop that throws his Teddy Bear out of his Pram because his lies have been caught out? So that is why he is being a complete ASSHOLE, because the pathetic creep is a socoipath that if he doesn't get his way will penalise YOU or US? It's that simple. There is no basis to fear an Imagined Virus, or ramshacle rules and stupid illogical mandates. By the way, a MANDATE is "NOT" law it is a RECOMMENDATION or REQUEST that cannot be forced on YOU and is NOT breaking a LAW if you don't comply. - Source - "Blacks Law" , available in most good book shops.
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Bottom Line- this 'Vax Program' is a load-of-rubbish. Lovely Sally and 'er Cat need to Piss-Off.