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Nikola Tesla Was Wrong About Women - MGTOW

Published on 24 Dec 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Istvan and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, By now there are a large number of very rich women in the world, de facto billionaires (Mrs. Bezos worth $40 billion). But the prevailing narrative in the MSM and academia is that women cannot progress in STEM subjects because of patriarchy and toxic masculinity and the lack of role models for women and girls. If that is true, and most women seem to believe this, why not challenge these very rich women, whose total wealth must be in the trillions of dollars, to establish and fund and all-female STEM university? With a staff, faculty and students all female. I am sure even governments would contribute. In time then the graduates of this university could come up with scientific and technological discoveries and innovations free of male dominance, ridicule and oppression. Let their contribution stand on its own merits!" unquote. Nikola Tesla once thought the the way that you did when he claimed that women would astonish the world at their progress and rival men one day. He was right right about most other things when it comes to women working in Stem. But not that. So why did he reach the conclusion that you did that women could stand on their own merits? His mother was also an inventor and he credits his intellect coming from him. She would be one of that small percentage of incredible and extraordinary women that are high in trait openness and also industrious. That was his bias while growing up and probably believed that many women could be as productive and creative as she was. But she was an outlier and not the
standard. Outlier females still have the same base instincts. But they might be better at controlling them or their creativity supersedes their desire to breed and control men. I've seen that. The drive to be creative is stronger than the other urges. There is also the issue of IQ. There is a tiny fraction of a percent of women that are high in trait openness with high IQ that are also logical and in stem. If you want to see that reality that you speak of Istvan then you need to take their eggs. Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of them and impregnate surrogate mothers with them and that way you can boost the number of high creativity and high IQ women in your soyciety. The rise of the Superwoman. Pay the surrogates, hire the nannies and then you'll have the female stock ready for one of those all female universities you speak of. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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satcomer 2 years ago

I always saw this high school! Evern being a sports kid that had a 93.5 (out of 1000 perfect) grade point average The females that ran the Honor Society said they wouldn't let because I was an athlete playing sports! I thought because the all female society didn't want a guy with them!

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Sounds like they were jealous of you because your athleticism makes you a natural leader.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

I doubt even Tesla could've predicted that women and men would've done role reversals, during his era. He knew enough to know getting married may have gotten in the way of the execution of his ideas, but women becoming communists, due to weak men? No way he looked ahead to that happening. Only The Creator would see that far, since He's the One pulling the strings in the first place.

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csehszlovakze 2 years ago

I think you have made a video about this in the past.

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Avacados 2 years ago

I think is one of his "gods of mgtow" vids. He's probably running out of content.

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havok545 2 years ago

most if not all creators rotate around to the same topics given a long enough time line

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