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Nine Commentaries (6) | How the Chinese Communist Party Destroyed Traditional Culture

Published on 22 Jul 2020 / In News & Politics

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

Asians are the ultimate 'normie' idiots that have group-think.

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

Now I see why the Japanese looked down upon the mostly peasant, idiotic Chinese. They [Chinese in CCP-ruled China] have NOTHING to be proud of, as pertains to their post-1949 'history.'

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

The fact that the Chinese people did not revolt and reject this Communist crap shows how fucking weak and conformist they are. This ideology and the CCP is some of the most insidious evil I can think of. Terrible how so many dumbass people can just allow their history, language, and identity, and 5000-year-old culture be destroyed and participate in it. Shows you how shitty many US citizens are to because they do the same thing.

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

I do believe in my heart that a lot of the CCP leadership were demons reincarnated for some reason. I don't know the reason, but they serve some purpose for the Universe/God; perhaps separating the lemmings and the weak-minded from the worthy for the next life. Perhaps just to "balance the Force" so to speak.
The fact that the U.S. [through denying MacArthur's planned eradication of the Communists in China] in particular let this happen is a crime; we even gave aid to the cowardly Communists during WW2 and we betrayed the Nationalists by sabotaging their weapons and stuff.

Just because the Nationalists didn't want to directly and meekly give control of all their resources to the Western powers, they were stabbed in the back by the Western Imperialist powers and their land/population terrorized by the Red Menace. The U.S. is going to pay dearly for all this betrayal and negative karma. It's already starting now and won't be over for a LONG time.

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