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No More Mr. "Nice Guy" Or "Friendzone" Guy.

Published on 26 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

Gents, women owe you nothing and you owe them nothing either.
Search "Man Refuses To Walk His Friend Back To Her Dorm When She Felt Unsafe Because She Rejected Him Once."

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Kraka 20 hours ago

I respect this channel and everyone here, BUT.. you're talking only about the simps here. Migrants are more primitive ( poor education or not at all ). Women in General are more intelligent and they manipulate men even more easily.

What I'm trying to say is ...all this migrants are simps.... WE are being replaced because SOME of us are capable of perceveing what's going on.

My absolutely suggestion is : Countries far more conservatives and poor are extremely cheap. You may buy a house in Bulgaria,Rusia,Romania for between 10-30K€. For us ( european/american) is cheap ( for the moment ....).

As soon as the currency devalue we won't be able to purchase anything. Now inflation doesn't allow us to save money. Then when the currency devalue we won't be able to escape from here.

Just buy something elsewhere, there is no excuse. We're going to collapse in a few years....

Today is my last day in Spain and Europe. I'm not coming back.

Tomorrow I'm travelling to Belarus. I'm not going to come back no matter the situation. I'm 37 ,even if I die for them it will be worth it.

I'm not giving a Sh to the west ever again. I'll live and die for them.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 16 hours ago

America should be self sustainable. .I heard Nixon say it on a video today that Amerioca could go it alone but the world would be a more dangerous place.. I know it's all about slavery and the USA is not the good guys..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 days ago

She can just spend the night if she is worried about walking home..

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In Australia a long time ago.... the phrase, "She is a cock teaser" - was used to describe manipulative women who just string stupid delusional guys along....

Men don't have too anything.... BUT chasing a woman who is clearly NOT interested or is feigning interest, or is just stringing the guy along....

Well what you see IS what you get.

If your incapable of registering this - get some help......

I found this to be very useful.

Download it, rip it to MP3 and play it a lot - on your phone, on your stereo etc...

It's like a great big sign post:

<<<<<<<< "This way into the shit" - ---------------- "This way out of the shit" >>>>>>>>>

Information gives you CHOICES.

The 7 main differences between healthy and addictive relationships

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The women are just cock teasers and manipulators....

If he didn't get it that she was only superficially nice and she was too manipulative than direct, they both would not have ended up in the "Awakening Zone".

He was delusional and stupid and she was fucking free loading parasite.

AND being part of the same friend group?

She comes across as the sort who would also run around telling "all their mutual friends" what a cunt he is and all the bad things he has done - real or made up, and she would turn all these weak minded cunts, against him.

Married women do these things all the time.....

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Calling All Stations

I'm still willing to do things for women, but they have to pay full price. Cash is far more useful than anything else they have to offer.

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