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No More!

30 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 30 Apr 2024 / Im Film & Animation

It ends here

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Toki 11 Monate vor

What if I want to die? No more slavery under Gov and corporation. As well as women's welfare state.
You can't threaten me with being exterminated. That's exactly what I want. I'll be first in line to prove a point to my idiotic naive normie parents who are sadly, voters. You know your parents absolutely hate you if they vote instead of focusing on their own son's endless suffering.

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Toki 11 Monate vor

At one point of time this guy was likely a copper or ex-military. Or he congratulated his son who joined the Gov military. Now he realizes he messed up I guess? Taking guns from American cops and giving it to illegals? What if the illegals storm DC and take of the problem because the local weak men work for the ruling class problem. What if the illegals are truly our allies against the far bigger problem? I know S. American women are a whole lot better people than USSA and Canadian women for example. S. American men are less about worshiping big Gov and the corporation and more about community of the people.
Also the Gov can do whatever they want because "they are private company" right? So my friend at work a Trumper guy who thinks he's a man, but he's really just a cuck. He agrees with 2nd Amd. Open-carry, etc. But he also says it OK for any "private company" to refuse to let you open-carry. So which is it? Open-carry or not? All land is private property technically. There is no public anything because the city owns all the "public" land. The city/county/state are a corporation in business as well. People are stupid. We are slaves being put to work for slave owners and you don't have any rights.
The only logical solution is do not have kids. Potential mass suicide of the male workforce would really hurt our shitty human society as well. It will crumble without the selfless good men who do all the work for the majority of welfare sponges. Welfare sponges like cops and military who get paid to be criminals/sinners.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 11 Monate vor

One thing going for him is his hot wife. Man works and is a smart businessman i would have never posted what i have on social batf at the door.

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Toki 11 Monate vor

@ErickRendoza 204: A wife who wants big daddy Gov more than him.

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