No Respect For Their Postions
Published on 07 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Don't have TV, don't have a license that has now been over a decade, I sign a declaration every tow years, but people don't realise "YOU do MOT need a TV license if you doin't watch live broadcast TV , You don't need a TV License to go on YT or use Your computer to stream Films and video, YOU only need a license to watch Broadcast TV. IO have no respect for the BBC, Government, NHS, femon's and the broken System as a whole. and I have absolutely NO respect for the Police now we know they are REALLY government LACKIES. Fuck em' All! lol!
With the exception of "Hell's Kitchen", or "The 'F' Word" (I like Food, what can I say? Lol!), I find little reason to watch BBC, especially since dumping my DirecTV nearly 15yrs ago.