NoFap Day 9: The Female Attraction Begins!

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Published on 03 Jul 2024 / In
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My confidence is lifted if I hold in all my urine and feces for 9 days. Oh damn I messed my pants while sleeping on day 3. Now I have to wash more clothes, buy more underwear, and wash my entire bed sheets.
As for women who cares what they think? Simping hard man. All you have to ignore them to drive them wild. But I don't advise talking to them.
How about this? Instead of men simping with no-fapping. How about women stop eating so much? Then I might as you say "be attracted" to them to some level at all. As well as women retaining their maidenhood for marriage? Why do you want other men's previous sex toy pocket pussy pre-used? Just masturbate and get on with your day it's not a big deal. It's just an annoyance like I said before the urine and feces.
As a human I would hope you are smarter than being sexually active and reproducing more humans in the current Clown World of civil wars, hyper-inflation, and the majority of people being slaves of Gov/corpos. Men are at least. So if you have a son you are being an asshole torturing a new life brought into this mess.
I swear man. People in a zombie apocalypse would still consider, "Should we have kids?" That's basically the Gov and corpos as the zombies eating the working peasants today. Bringing children into a world with presidents, prime ministers, and their psychotic enforcer class constantly forcing tyranny on innocent people who didn't even want to be born. That's why you also avoid any and all sex. To be an intelligent, responsible, Good human with foresight. I kind of assume all men have foresight but guess I'm wrong. I know women don't have any foresight at all.
So you chose to walk into the wood chipper?
Look at this naive guy lol. He has no idea. Give it a few years and he will regret "female attraction" after they destroy him.
I think no fap is bullshit.....
Your brain is a bio electric computer - Your brain will deliver chemicals as to what you need / think you need . When you don't have to think about women and all the things you have to do to get/keep/make them happy - Your blood flow/pheromones change And this is why people like Nikola Tesla and other great minds in history did not have wives - You Will think much Better it will even raise your IQ . It does take a mind shift it's not just retention you have to clear your mind of women ! And Focus on the higher things you want to achieve.