Non Vax should be pushed..... no freedom...lunacy bs by media.
Published on 07 Jun 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Listen ?
He says the under 30’s are preaching from their sanctimonious high horse when they should “do their bit to protect others from this VACCINE” ?
He also thinks people who choose not to have the vaccine should be “PUNISHED” .
The whole interview is quite something.
Dr Killery putting in his usual support for medical oppression
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If you want to turn up the volume use an hdmi cable or download the app from chrome store for free I have brave but it still uses the extentions.
I don't and won't take this vaxx.. good fucking luck to whatever entity thinks they can force me to, too.
He accidentally told the truth. Quite normal
Weak chinned ass ho can go suck a vaxxed d