Northwest Afternoon Leykis (circa 2000)
Published on 24 Apr 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Syndicated Radio Talk Host, Tom Leykis interviewed on Seattle local "Afternoon" TV Talk Show - Northwest Afternoon (ABC KOMO TV 4 - Seattle, WA) I remember him in tacoma telling men to just go home over the police were not allowing anymore men to be inside the building.
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Like today ,these cunts don't take responsabilities for their actions ,they said they want the nice guy for free ATM but sleep with "toxic" dudes who give them little to nothing .They spit on Tom Leykis because they want their safe beta "meal ticket" cuck guy when they're approaching the wall .Rape culture my ass .Like Future says "They belong to the streets"
Seen it before. Good clip. Would never get on TV today, unless it was to trash and bash him.