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Now she realized why so many men leaving America to go to Ukraine

Published on 02 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

Twitter/X 69Jon420

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Here are some other videos I recorded that you might wanna check out:

- Sharing valuable information every guy needs to know to help you live the good life


- Luggage Packing tips items to bring & safety tips for traveling


- Top scams & tricks prostitutes, whores, working girls, strippers, online dating girls will do to you


- Learn to be happy doing things alone. Having freedom requires living the lone wolf lifestyle


- Partying w the girls at orange bar in jaco beach Costa Rica & breakfast at cocal casino


- Smoking a joint w one of the tica girls on the way to viewpoint in San Jose Costa Rica


- This is what I do for a living and how I retired young and how you can also get started


- If you own a business, I can help you get rid of the bill you hate paying for the credit card service fees you pay to accept cards.

Here is a video that explains the program


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- Interviewing a young latina for advice to guys and why latinas are better than other girls


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-Mine and Grant Cardone's advice to young people and old people


-Vision Boards why you need to make one right away


- - Moving/Retiring Mexico. The good the bad and the ugly.


- How to deal with haters, family, or friends that try to shame or manipulate you for your lifestyle


- Dan bilzerian book the set up chapters 1-3 summary and prologue with my tips and story


- No matter how rich, good looking, or successful you are, you’ll never be able to satisfy a woman


- Paradise - what does paradise mean to you? Where is it? What things make a place paradise for me


- You are not the only guy your girl talks to. Their Inboxes are full of messages from thirsty guys


- Set up your life to a point where you have what you wished for in the past, and keep going


- Pt2 you are not the only guy your girl talks to. How girls reply to messages without being online


- How to get girls to go out with you and how to go through the levels. Don’t get stuck in one level


- Showing you how much going out on a date costs in Mexico. Much better than going out in America


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Toki 14 hours ago

Is that Myron guy wearing a damn weave? See this is why I just don't want to be around people. They are so shallow and stupid wasting their money on ridiculous immature shit.

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Mr_Sluggo 22 hours ago

That Ukrainian woman straight schooled those bitches.
For me, the looks on their faces was priceless, and to be honest....Some of those hoes need to jot down what that woman said and to memorize it when it comes to keeping a man.

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Toki 2 days ago

The amusing part is how black women absolutely hate white women. Even a fat wart face is more attractive than these fake hair hoes. All of them are nasty though. You want blondes look no further than anime waifus. They aren't fat and useless.

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Bagoodman 2 days ago

Come on Toki there digital yeah they look great but not going to bring you soup when you get sick And other things and I'm a Monk no bitches for me I gave up on them .

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Toki 14 hours ago

@Bagoodman: Real women don't even know to prepare canned soup these days. Consider this. How many idiots are buying digital only products like video games or films? If those are considered real products with a price tag than anything digital is also real I suppose. Have you seen Honey Select yet? They are getting more realistic. Or you could get a waifu seksdoll. I just prefer the low maintenance of something like Honey S. Seksdolls don't move yet or talk. I'm all seriousness I would rather have my blondes in Honey S than this Miss Piggy in the video. She's fat as F. Look at the clown makeup. Also she's lying about everything. Because real women always lie about everything.

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Bagoodman 13 hours ago

@Toki: Yeah my Dick could NEVER get hard for a fat bitch like that - I guess I'm lucky I'm old now and had a lot of women in my younger days - Now I focus on studying a lot of different things and I don't miss Women at all !

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Toki 13 hours ago

@Bagoodman: Same with me. I was a mini-Chad. Short, but handsome and fit. So I got all the sex while they were taking breaks from their actual boyfriends whom I didn't know about until they informed me. As a short guy they didn't want me as the trophy of course. The social status arm trophy. Most humans are stupid and shallow. That's why I love fictional characters all around. They are real friends/allies/partners. Especially anime. Maybe not every series, but you know what I mean. They are actually kind and considerate unlike humans. I live in the US and people here are ignorant and selfish more so than most of the world. Everything has to be about money and how can I make money off you. As a friend or whatever. I find that only celibate men are the Good humans. They have to reason to lie and manipulate others to make money to then rent women's company and bodies.

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Bagoodman 13 hours ago

@Toki: Hay man I'm on the west coast and it's about 3 AM here But I'm gona look you up latter and we can rap about some shit then - I know a few of the dudes here on the channel - Ill talk to you on the message board tomorrow ok .

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Toki 13 hours ago

@Bagoodman: Also I got it all for free. It was so easy. Of course given how it all works the first crushes I had didn't like me. That's the thing. Every human in real life settles for someone they didn't really want. The entire species is a disaster. Now that I have zero interest in women it's funny. Because they eyeball me all the time and know that I'm immune to them which makes them so angry but also horny. If they try to talk to me I just turn my head and ignore them. It's not special when sex is so easy to get. Also glad I didn't end up in a long relationship. I enjoy being alone most of the time now after my early social life discovering how untrustworthy other humans are. My main best bro right now is also a monk. A truly great person whom I can trust and zero drama. He happens to be quite intelligent so he caught on after one female tried to snare him.

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