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Now They Want Us to Eat "Protein Packed" Mosquito Burgers

Published on 25 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Music by:
Crinoline Dreams
In Your Arms

These are the opinions and ramblings of a foul-mouthed lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.

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GenerationLESS 1 year ago

They don't have running water or electricity because they were loaned money on the stipulation that the money would be spent on vaccines. And then that money went to big pharma, so that is the way to launder the money back to the conspirators. Those African people would be much better off if the money was spent on infrastructure such as water purification, sewage treatment, electric generation....but that was never the plan. Now they are nose deep in debt to the west with no way to pay it off, all the money went to people like Bill Gates, who then funds more W.H.O. programs (their #1 donor), who then forces more of this dystopia on humanity. The world needs to learn to just say "NO!"

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GenerationLESS 1 year ago

If the Globalists and their minions really cared about the health and welfare of these poor people, that is the solutions they would help them fund.

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

Time to fundraise for a giant cream pie and Trebuchet to lob at Goaty Gates.

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GenerationLESS 1 year ago

@silverkinguk27: To hell with the cream pie, let's just lob Billy into the Grand Canyon.

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Not just say NO the world needs to say to those Global Faggots to Suck on and Suck start my 12 Gauge Buckshot and eat a Lead Sandwhich it's good for you and has plenty of protein Haha :D The world needs to say more of SUCK ON THIS 12 GAUGE

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: in the great words of RGE once the World starts and Continues to say THE 5 MAGICAL WORDS AMERICAN PIONEERED BACK IN THE DAY "FUCK OFF FUCK YOUR FRELINGS" until they say that and SUCK ON THIS 12 GAUGE FAGGOT and Leave them Kids Alone then Nothing will change and Those Pedophiles faggotts will continue to get their way.

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GenerationLESS 1 year ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: A double "00" burger!

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@GenerationLESS: Haha Fucking A with an all you can eat Double 00 burger Buffett. God I hope those Evil Global Faggotts scum take up the Offer and all eat all the double 00 buck to the dome and ask for more.

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JMGTOW 1 year ago

at least their local specialty mos burgers are better than mud pies

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They might actually be very good.....
I like termites, crickets, locusts, etc..

I would not put shit on the idea, until you have tried them.

And it's an issue of catching them by the kilo.....

Very good idea.

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

Used a minivac to catch 11 mozzies by the river that came into my flat biting me all over.I made sure they died in there.

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@silverkinguk27: When the TROPICAL floods were on here in 2011 - about a week or 10 days after it was 35*C and 100% humidity.... AND the mosquitos bred like fucking mad..... just like in the video in Africa..... In every cubic measure of about 10cm x 10cm x 10cm OR 4" x 4" x 4" - there were about 10 mosquitoes - ALL females and ALL hungry for blood..... Now I have eaten mosquitos before.... probably with my mouth open on a motorcycle... but you would have to catch squillions of them to get a kilo, and you would have to be in a place where they breed like fucking mad too....... But getting millions of kilos to feed millions of people..... Sounds like more of the WEF's grand bullshit ideas, that were not thought through very well... I am quite sure that the mosquitoes might actually be a decent food, it's just breeding enough of them (they need blood to reproduce) and capturing enough of them - sustainably, to make it a viable industry.... Hmmmmmm aside from the fucking bullshit of the WEF - I'd be interested to see IF people can actually make this work.... 10,000 Kg a day of farmed mosquitos... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosquito

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@silverkinguk27: Also only the BAD mosquitoes need blood to breed.... most of them feed of nectar etc...

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: So the nectar ones should taste sweet then.

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@silverkinguk27: I have no idea - at all.... Absolutely NONE.... In regards to the metabolic process's - we eat chocolate and get fat, and chocolate kills dogs. Paracetamol cures head aches and kills cats.... So ONE could assume that a mosquitoe MIGHT be sweet tasting... BUT the metabolic process's of converting sugar/s into glucose, and then into water and CO2, could involve issues of PH (acid and alkali) based reactions, and the mosquitoes MIGHT be sweet tasting, they might taste that typical meaty / nutty taste of most edible insects, or they might taste like pine saw dust, or they might taste like shit - of some description, like ammonia or sour or bitter etc.... AND I have no idea how much they weigh, but lets say you need 500 of them to fill up ONE cubic centimeter... and a Skeeter Burger is 12 cm in diameter and 2 cm thick... = 225 cubic CM x 500 = 113,000 mosquitoes.... well that many - you could be sure to pick up exactly what they do taste like... Maybe they might be meaty and caramelise on a slow wet grill... just like onions and butter......

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@silverkinguk27: https://min.news/en/food/01b17....d67f91c58101015464d4 ---- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunga_cake ---- Seems like quite an excellent idea.

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AbyssWatcher 1 year ago

this is fucked up. i wanna know what stupid african nation is allowing for this

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deathdealer 1 year ago

I'll have the triple patty 100% beef burger all the fixing double bacon and swiss cheese, just a light snack.

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

I'll take the non Goaty Gates farmed reared organic goodness burgers.

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