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Nut in New Zealand

Published on 27 Nov 2021 / In Film & Animation

This is THE video, by the nut in New Zealand, who went and shot up a shit load of innocent people.

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This is THE video, by the nut in New Zealand, who went and shot up a shit load of innocent people.

The #MeToo media, along with the knee jerk off, politically correct politicians said it should be banned off the internet.

AND the sleazes of the social media companies all complied.

Scumbags like "fuck face" Scott Morrison, and "Sheep Shit" Jacinda Adern, (All enforcers of the Forced Vaccination Death Shots) shrieked about the horrors of it all, while Google, Facebook and PooTube, erased it off the internet.

I kept a copy of this guys video and his manifesto, because I refuse to be told what I can or cannot watch, and while this is bad, the only difference between the real life shoot them ups, and war footage, and the police shooting up people in peaceful protests, AND the shoot them up movies - called "Entertainment" - is they use actors and dummy ammo (blanks) and the nutter in New Zealand used live ammo and real living people.

So the hypocrisy is astounding. And the moral hypocrites of the moment, can just fuck right off.

I watched it once, all the way through, when I got it, and felt like the life was drained from me, and I put it away.

I have not read his manifesto - that can wait for another time.

If you study things, you can learn from them.

And once having removed the rightness or wrongness ideologies, from the viewing, this guy knew exactly what he was doing, he is an expert with weapons, and target aquisition, and I'd say he has 10 - 15 years of military training / combat experience, and he almost never misses, even when pulling off reflex shots at targets. He is also very quick and precise. He can pick out people who are playing dead, from the genuinely dead.

His entire operation was methodically planned.

This is not some half baked idiot with a gun in Walmart.

He is genuinely dangerous.

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Here is a guy who met this cunt, told the cops that he should not have the guns, and the guns had 30 round magazines - which he should not of been allowed to have, and they did nothing about it.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Not sure he was as much a "nut" (tomato/tomauto, I guess) as he was possessed (or brainwashed, as some of us were as US Marines; weaponry looks the same; US made is my guess) by an outside, non-physical entity; like a demon. Good driving skills, very focused on his mission: Kill as many innocent people gathered together, as easily as possible. The movie, "Jack Reacher" comes to mind, while watching this guy's video.

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I don't give a flying fuck for any evil cult that promotes deceit and conformity by indoctrination and threats. And I don't like the idea of killing innocents just because you can. So fuck him on that score. But I would not use the word "admire him" in a gratitude kind of a way, but in a respectful way, in terms of logistics, timing, layouts, routes, preparation, weapons, loaded up spare magazines etc, AND I bet he had been surveilling the buildings, roads, attendance densities, traffic, religious holidays etc, and timing the entire run, and all of the stages within it. So I respect him for this. It is also what makes him way more dangerous, than the average nutter. I would say he has given this a dry run, maybe 20 or 30 times. Murder aside, people who plan and prepare and practice, it doesn't matter whether it is surgery, shopping, book keeping, mowing lawns, fighting fires or changing tyres - they tend to become very good at it. I respect him, for how well he performed the operation - because respecting your enemy, requires understanding your enemy. It's exactly the same as some postal service, immaculately planning their pick up and delivery routes - with variance. When they compete, things like routes, turns traffic lights, gradients, fuel consumption, time on the road, wages, maintenance etc., become interrelated issues. A 10% faster route = 10% less wages, fuel, tyres, servicing, wear and tear, lower delivery costs, = a 10% reduction in so many other areas, this is why people who can see the big picture and do the planning, are so important and so valuable. The people who are deranged or are even state actors, doing shitty things are bad people doing bad things - and given Jacinda "Sheep Shit" Aderns proclivity for genociding all the people in New Zealand, with the Blood Clot Death Shot, I am as sure as shit there is absolutely no connection between these two cunts.

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