NYC Installs Cameras… To Tax Trump Supporters
Published on 05 Dec 2024 / In
News & Politics
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Improve the city? No. It's about killing us Americans: We defeated the Globohomos in WW1 and WW2; now, they are trying to kill us off and prevent us from having kids and a future capable army. I mean they trying to start WW3 Nuclear Holocaust right now too... Remember the Georgian Guide Stones "Reduce the world population to 500 million." That's not going to happen overnight... unless...
Trump is NOT the real reason they did this ,it's just a pathetic excuse to steal from your pockets even more to finance their evil projects and control the slaves .This guy is an idiot who believe mainstream medias like a good little sheep
one thing he does not talk about is the street flora/plants will die without vehilce/pedestrian traffic..
the plants need carbot dioxide/monoxide to convert into oxygen, they think pollution is bad now just wait...
good way to kill the city, and kill a lot of people...
the subway wont be fixed or updated, so morons get what they voted for....
get the fuck out...