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O namoro e o casamento acabaram para a geração Z - Sandman MGTOW

Published on 30 Mar 2024 / In Non-profits & Activism

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ricardo and here's what he's got to say: "Hello Sandman, I'm a 26-year-old Brazilian fan. I want to know what do you think will happen to this generation? Here in Brazil the laws are getting worse for those who want relationships. Perhaps this is the worst generation in terms of relationships ever? With laws only getting worse and women having more power and control than men, with men not wanting to say no to women, what do you think will be the fate of this generation? I abandoned serious relationships, but I don't deny that it would be cool to have a cyborg cooch and I think that an artificial uterus would change everything, but I don't see this technology in my generation, maybe in the next, what do you think about that?" Well Ricardo thanks for the donation and topic. You said that men aren't saying no to women but we are and on top of it women are also saying no to men with their out of this world expectations. As men outnumber women on dating apps two or three to one. Your generation and probably one or two more after yours will be lost generations with collapsing fertility rates. When I was a 26-year-old I would have been ecstatic and relieved about the fall in population and collapse in relationships and population. That's because twenty years ago the greatest threat to the world was using up fossil fuels and resource consumption. Now as your generation eventually sees it's fertility fall below one that means there will be enough fossil fuels for everyone. Instead of 8 billion people living in relative poverty. We will eventually see 500 million to a billion people living in relative luxury. People say this is some elite Georgia Guidestones elite conspiracy but I think it's a good thing if you look at things from another perspective. Gen Z and Alpha should celebrate that they are the generation where most of them don't have to take on the responsibility of reproducing and are free to do whatever they want in life. Previous generations would have loved to have the opportunity not to have eight children to work on their farm and where four of them would pass away before the age of five. Those in Gen Z with financial success will have all the free time in the world but it's doubtful how much money your generation will have. Better get used to living with your parents until they pass away and then spliting the family home with your siblings. Or possibly living with them into your old age in the place you grew up. I already see that happening in Canada. With AI the elites don't need all these people on Earth anymore to do their labor. People will just cause trouble for them fomenting revolutions so I believe they are orchestrating family breakup and destroying your generation economically so you can't afford families. I think it's all by design to cover up the fact that there's a collapse in remaining resources. If Brazil is like the west much of the rest of the world you and most people you know are living in large and growing cities while the number of people in the countryside eventually collapses. So from most people's perspective they don't notice population decline. For example in Tokyo the population is going up even while Japan's population is falling by around half a million people a year. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Mentor:

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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