‘Obsessed with doom’- Greta Thunberg has ‘gone bust’
This is what is happening to OUR world in a micro cosm. This Demonic Pathetic .little TROLL, is what happens when you let a little girl have it's say and grown up's (supposedly agree with he so she wont CRY). Thunberg Repressents the Gynocentric Hell we are all living in now. I'll give you a personal example of Gynocentric operation. Our or MY local Council and Housing association is NOW almostr entirely run ans staffed by females. Before it used to be mainly MEN. Regular Gas instalation checks and maintainance were a regular thing. NOW all we get is the letter to say they will be coming to service a boiler, never a date or a time? I pay them to do this, so I'm NOT going to do the chasing up or wasting my phone bill and time to remind them. This type of Scenario is becoming all to common. If they do deem you worthy enough of a return call (which is rrarely) may I add, they try to create a drama out of nothing. Typical Female and Gynocentric mind set shit. We daily NOW see when you leave your front door a society totally controlled by thye Female, (I think Controlled is to much an apt word)? But yes go out and daily you see or are victim's to useless women, aggressive THOT's in Sports Car's that undertake and give YOU the finger and numerous other daily examples of Female RUDEMESS and INDIFFERENCE. Tjhen they complain MEN don't want them, or They can't find a good MAN? Well we are still here, but we now do it for ourselves. Remember that annie Lennox song years ago? "Sister's are doing it for themselves"? fuck how delusional was that? Well lady's "Brotyher's are now doing it for themselves and are succeeding where you massively have failed. Just a final word on the Council work thing. OUR local LGBTQ Rainbow Leftie (TORY) Council, Is now offering advice online for YOU to do YOUR own maintanance at a building that they own? That was once really taboo. you touched their property without them doing the repair you could end up in Court, but NO it's fine now. Again this is Gynocentrism for you, All imaginary Drama Blustering delusion of a good job that bYOU are actually doing for them and having to still pay. YEp that's femaales and society for you today, and Thunberg is a classic example in one small dare I say doom ladened and rather UGLY package. Send a little girl not even old enough to vote to convice a planet it is WRONG? Jeezzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!! This is wehy I've given up and do what is best only for ME!
Oner final thing - I weonder hoe msany Globallisty COCKS have been through this jail bate?
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Reminds me of the old Simpsons episode when Bart became famous as the "I didn't do it" boy on the Krusty the Clown show. At the end when his popularity has waned and Krusty is kicking him out into the alley behind the studio, Krusty says "no offense kid, you're just finished, that's all" as the door slams in his face.
This girl has mental issues and was used by the elites, and they will use anybody
She is a retard being coached by her failed actor parents.
Their tool served it's purpose and is no longer needed so they discarded it. Hope Greta enjoyed being used.
Let's revert back to the Agricultural Age. That will shut these annoying bitches up. Keeping 'em busy and working all that fat off. Your new washing machine is called: The River.