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Of course WE knew this already, and zero of us are surprised by this revelation.

Published on 01 Mar 2024 / In People & Blogs

When you know, you know, and we don't need the 'science' and studies to prove it.

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CatFoodMillionaire 12 months ago

There are more female psychopaths than males. The reason for that is boundaries develop empathy. Boys have constant boundaries growing up(unless he's a bastard of a single mother). Females are never emposed boundaries, thus never develop empathy. The best liars are psychopaths for they feel no guilt lying(m2, quotas, false accusations). The Hivemind must always protect the Hive from criticism.
If a male helps a female moving something and he hits his head; If he quickly looks at the female while he is in pain, he will see she is smiling. She is smiling because she feels pleasure seeing him in pain, as a psychopath would. She hides the smile about half a second to a second later as to hide who she is(to continue exploiting).

The majority of male psychopaths are gay. That's why goblins have redefined rape in prison to be about control. You as a normal man know very well no matter how long it's been, that's something you're not interested in. TLDR: There are a lot of gay psychopaths in prison.

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NeoGeoGamer 12 months ago

That's how men behave now, too. Violence has been criminalized for so long while spreading lies has been allowed, that it's just being well-adapted to our laws at this point. Maybe violence exists for a reason. Maybe the possibility of violence is the only thing that was holding this stuff back, and the laws we have had in place for decades have assured everyone that the possibility of violence is close to zero.

The only way out of the current state of society is a Hammurabi-style crack down on bad behavior. Accusing without evidence, provably false accusations, bearing false witness, continuing a rumor after a court found the person not guilty, these all need to be punished. Examples need to be made. And then more examples, until no more examples can be found. Only then will people start behaving acceptably again.

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Toki 12 months ago

Ah nice. Like I said before about the refreshing choice of a BB thumbnail. Thank God by the way. He chooses a dommy mommy. I see now. BB just wants a dommy mommy but women refuse to provide such exciting love because they are the ones who are boring in bed. Unless you pay them a million dollars but that's proof it's not about love and passion. It's disgusting to sell yourself like this especially in today's Recruit difficultly high income employment options for women. They should be paying us but that's not cool either. Just saying. It's always been prostitution. But at least back in the day they had to be loyal and good wives/mothers. Way back in the day. Not the 50's. I'm talking pre-electricity. Or they join a prince's harem like they do today with a president's son. Free cocaine, harem living quarters, booze, and a life devoid of productive activity provided by the taxpayers of course.
I just want anime dommy mommy game. That's way better in every possible way. Tech ruined women, but also created a new sub-species for men to love.

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Toki 12 months ago

Wow. You weren't too scared to upload this to YT? The intro is brutal and great. But walking on the snowflake eggshells. Usually you tip toe around little things like music. While the annoying music is usually more offensive than anything being the ironic part. They showcase the official channels for those nasty songs in Tik Tok vids. While normal men have to censor themselves from having opinions and replaying vile music that clown world YT promotes anyways.

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The dumb fucks.... Start and run a horse and plough a field and grow a garden that can feed 20 people all year round.....
And what we don't eat, we can sell.....

Nope - just a dumb fuck - with a ton of overheads and a ton of cake up....

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