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Published on 09 Feb 2021 / In Non-profits & Activism

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DeusVult1167 4 years ago

Many Americans see footage of things like this and believe that what they are seeing is not choreographed and staged to sway people's opinions without really understanding the context of what's going on. Someone just happened to be there filming all of this and then magically he just collapses as a group of staged reporters are there to come to his rescue. Most of what people see on social media and the news is political theater designed to socially engineer what people think.

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Doggk 4 years ago

When an Israeli collapses from a heart attack in such a situation and it's filmed everything is real the world needs to stop what they do and cry for the poor Israeli... When it's a Palestinian or an arab everything is fake, staged dude is a terrorist, scam artist, actor... Same thing with George floyd everyone said it was fake and staged, dude was an actor bla bla bla... 9/11 the entire world cried all their tears and people blamed the Arabs and Jews lool while it was George Bush government itself who did it... When more than a million people died in Africa due to war caused by Western multinationals and western countries the world doesn't give a shit... And some will say all the footages of the dead bodies on the streets are staged and fake... The blood was Ketchup and Mayonnaise... Some things might be staged, some not... Palestine is under occupation that's undeniable ;-)

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thunderwarrior 4 years ago

honestly if it wasnt for the us and un insisting on peace isreal would of greased all of them by now and the middle east would of been a more stable region then it is today

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Doggk 4 years ago

Because the US is backing them up + NATO... Once the US implode and europe gets invaded by Russia.. Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon will take advantage of the situation and Israel will be wiped out... with the support of Russia and who knows China in the shadow.. A war on more than 2 battlefronts means the end.. Ask Hitler he knows what it is and how it ends up ^^

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thunderwarrior 4 years ago

@Doggk: i would usually agree with that but israel has already dealt with something similar early on during its founding when all of its neighbors plus a few tried to wipe them out but instead got their ass kicked and had some of their land taken, plus if the us does implode, russia and china are gonna be busy doing other stuff. either way once the us is no longer the world police theirs gonna be a lot of conflicts that have been brewing for decades that will be settled and the world will look very different to the one we are used to

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thunderwarrior 4 years ago

@S. Ironheart: i am talking about the 1948 Arab-Israel war where Israel fought and won against Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Transjordan and Palestine

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Villager confront's Dad's Army!

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Mustang 4 years ago

Im sure there is blame on ALL sides. There will be NO PEACE until the Prince Of Peace (Jesus) comes back to establish His worldwide Government. Untill then, sin will reign on the Earth.

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Doggk 4 years ago

That peace will only last 3 years and when he will go back to heaven.. Humans will start again all their wars and conflicts...

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