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OLD: What Attracts Women 1 REMIX: LOOKS, MONEY and STATUS

Published on 19 Aug 2013 / In People & Blogs

women, female, females, girls, chicks, bishes, bitches, hoes,
attraction, attract, attractiveness, physical attractiveness, looks, beauty, handsome, pretty, beautiful, sexy, hot, stud, hunk
comfort, seduction, open, close, opinion, seduce, approach, anxiety, opinion opener, DHV, demonstrate higher value, demonstration,

high, higher, value,
LMR, last minute resistance, neg, cocky, funny,
Tyler, Durden, Owen, Cook, Mystery, RSD, Jeffy, RSDJeffy, RSDTyler, virgin, virginity, laid, lays, lay report, LR, field, field report,

field , infield, blowout, rejection, fap,
midface, jawline, alpha, stubble, chin, prominent chin, receded chin, potato, brow ridge, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, maxillofacial,

surgery, otoplasty, genioplasty, chin implant, implant,
height, tall, short, manlet, foot, cm,
face, race, hair, bald, balding, norwood, norwoording, NW, NW1, NW2, NW3, NW4, NW5, NW6, NW7, NW3V, Vertex, NW3 Vertex,

horse shoe, hairlosstalk, loss, talk, propecia, finasteride, dutasteride, nizoral, minoxidil, fin, finas, dut, dutas, niz, min.
Facebook, Twitter, social media, man, masculine, male, grooming, dress sense, style, swag, confidence, personality, dominance,
alpha, kino, touch, vagina, pussy, slayer

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